   ║ 0x00                       Table Of Contents                                                                     DOXED BY SZY║
                      __...--~~~~~-._   _.-~~~~~--...__
                    //               `V'               \\    - Allow me to tell you a story about Max Nilo Olofson and the crimes they've done.
                   //                 │                 \\   - Tried egoing me while being in poverty
                  //__...--~~~~~~-._  │  _.-~~~~~~--...__\\  - Sounds like an cave entrance blowing wind out cause he's so fat.
                 //__.....----~~~~._\ │ /_.~~~~----.....__\\ - Lives in sweeden.
                                                                                          0x00 Table Of Contents                     O         O
                                                                                                                                      \\     // 
                                                                                          0x01 Face Pic(s)                             \\   //
                                                                                                                                        \\ // 
                                                                                          0x02 Basics                                  /~~~~~\      
                                                                                          0x03 Address                          │ ,---------------, │
                                                                                                                                │ │               │ │
                                                                                          0x04 Socials                          │ │  Emergency    │ │
                                                                                                                                │ │  Broadcast:   │ │   
                                                                                          0x05 Education                        │ │               │ │                        
                                                                                                                                │ │_______________│ │
                                                                                          0x06 IP                               │___________________│
                                                                                          0x07 Emails                         
                                                                                                                      -Initiating the death of Max Nilo Olofson stay tuned!
                                                                                          0x08 Passwords
                                                                                          0x09 Family

                                                                                          0x010 Parents contact

                                                                                          0x11 Family lineage

                                                                                          0x12 Outro + credits
   ║ 0x01                       Face Pic(s)                                                                           DOXED BY SZY║

                                                           Face Pic 
                                               - https://prnt.sc/TmBbCA5ADS9m
                                               - https://prnt.sc/zXcSZ9M6cmdg
                                               - https://prnt.sc/QZZxrztKrNBy
                                               - https://prnt.sc/CxdkHzZL_aq3

   ║ 0x02                       Basic                                                                                 DOXED BY SZY║

                                           ˅ Name............ Max Nilo Olofson       
                                           │ Name alternative Olofson Nilo // olofsson max
                                           │ Alias........... cuzaseso     
                                           │ Alias........... TransHelsing

                                           ˅ DOB............ 1992-09-12 YY/MM/DD                                                   
                                           │ Age............ 29
                                           │ Sex............ Male       
                                           │ Sexuality...... Straight
                                           ˅ Human Stats.... 
                                           │ Height......... 5'8 // IN -- INCH
                                           │ Weight......... 194 // LB -- POUND
                                           ˅ Number......... 073-650 87 47                                     
                                           │ Provider....... Telia Sweden AB
                                           │ Last Search.... March 14, 2024
                                           │ County......... Stockholm County                                                    

                                           ˅ Personal docs.
                                           │ SNIL.......... 5559494110923355
                                           │ TAX PAYER..... 720304047926 
                                           │ Payment....... SEK 1,000 less than average // 23,000 SEK // 2,179.48 | YEARLY
                                           │ CAR........... Hyundai 2015-10-29 2016 Carlbom -- ASSIGNED Eva Kristina
                                           │ SSN........... 19940912- XXXX                                       
   ║ 0x03                       Address                                                                               DOXED BY SZY║

                                           ˅ Address............ Sjödalsvägen 11 141 47 Huddinge Apartment number 1102                                            
                                           │ SQM................ 37 Square Meters 
                                           │ Cords.............. 59.2350445030606, 17.9842942138882
                                           │ Bedrooms........... 1
                                           │ Directios into APT. First floor, 2nd door fr. left ( Lgh 1102 ).
                                           │ Bathrooms.......... 1
                                           │ Last house listing. N/A

                                           ˅  Preivous Address..                               
                                           │  Flugsvampsvägen 17 in Huddinge                    

   ║ 0x04                       Socials                                                                               DOXED BY SZY║

                                           │  Instagram.......... cuzaseso   
                                           │  Youtube............ cuzaseso 	          
                                           │  Justcause.fandom... Cuzaseso - (doxed some randy?)      		
                                           │  Discord............ cuzaseso     
                                           │  ID................. 231456699414740992         
                                           │  Facebook........... cuzaseso     	 
                                           ˅  Old usernames...  
                                           │  TransHelsing                                     

 		             _/   /
 		            //   /
 		           //   /
 		       _  / ││ \  ^o
 		       \\/ ()_) \.
 		        ^^ <__> \()
 		         //_││_\\      -Target spotted!
 		        // \││/ \\
 		       //   ││   \\
 		      \/    │/    \/
 		      /     │      \
 		     /      │       \
   ║ 0x05                       Education                                                                             DOXED BY SZY║

 		     		            ˅ School........... Fredrika Bremer, Merika
 		     		            │ Grade............ GRAD
                              /\\      _____          _____       │   │     │     │    │ │  \    
               ,-----,       /  \\____/__│__\_    ___/__│__\___   │___│_____│_____│____│_│___\  
            ,--'---:---`--, /  │  _     │     `│ │      │      `│ │        SCHOOL BUS  │ │    \ 
           ==(o)-----(o)==J    `(o)-------(o)=   `(o)------(o)'   `--(o)(o)--------------(o)--' 

 		     		            ˅ Socials of Teacher
 		     		            │ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fredrika%20Bremer,%20Merika/119718144746884/

 		     		            ˅ Employment......... Unemployed
 		     		            │ Address............ // works in Huddinge
 		     		            │ Date of job........ // 2017 looking for work

                         . .                     -:-             .  .  .                      .  .  .
                       .'.:,'.        .  .  .     ' .           . \ │ / .                    . \ │ / .
                       .'.;.`.       ._. ! ._.       \          .__\:/__.                    .__\:/__.
                        `,:.'         ._\!/_.                     .';`.      . ' .             .';`.      . ' .
                        ,'             . ! .        ,.,      ..======..       .:.         ..======..       .:.     
                       ,                 .         ._!_.     ││::: : │ .        ',        ││::: : │ .        ',      
                .====.,                  .           ;  .~.===: : : :│   ..===.      .~.===: : : :│   ..===.         
                │.::'││      .=====.,    ..=======.~,   │"│: :│::::::│   ││:::│=====││"│: :│::::::│   ││:::│=====│  
             ___│ :::│!__.,  │:::::│!_,   │: :: ::│"│l_l│"│:: │:;;:::│___!│ ::│: : :││"│:: │:;;:::│___!│ ::│: : :│ 
            │: :│::: │:: │!__│; :: │: │===::: :: :│"││_││"│ : │: :: :│: : │:: │:::::││"│ : │: :: :│: : │:: │:::::│  
            │:::│ _::│: :│:::│:===:│::│:::│:===F=:│"!/│\!"│::F│:====:│::_:│: :│::__:│!"│::F│:====:│::_:│: :│::__:│  
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ │= _ _:_ _ =│ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                │=    :    =│                
   ║ 0x06                       IP info                                                                               DOXED BY SZY║

				origin:         AS13335
				mnt-by:         MNT-CLOUDFLARE
				created:        2020-06-11T18:00:18Z
				last-modified:  2020-06-11T18:00:18Z
				source:         RIPE # Filtered

				descr:          Broadband customers in Scandinavia
				origin:         AS2119
				mnt-by:         AS2119-MNT
				mnt-routes:     TNSE-MNT
				created:        2007-06-08T07:39:19Z
				last-modified:  2023-10-31T13:22:30Z
				source:         RIPE # Filtered    
				descr:          SWIPNET
				descr:          TELE2/ SWIPNET
				origin:         AS1257
				mnt-by:         AS1257-MNT
				mnt-routes:     COMHEM-MNT
				created:        2004-01-16T18:00:40Z
				last-modified:  2021-02-12T13:57:51Z


                      .-.          ~Scanning IP's~
                        \ _.--l--._
                       . \    │     `.
                     .` `.\   │    .` `.
                   .`     `\  │  .`     `.             ~Detecting Ports!~  
                  / __      \.│.`      __ \                                          
                  │   ''--._ \V  _.--''   │
                  │        _ (") _        │              
                  │ __..--'   ^   '--..__ │ _
                  \         .`│`.         /-.)                      
                   `.     .`  │  `.     .`                                                                              
                     `. .`    │    `. .`                                                    
                       `._    │    _.`│                          ~Cool robotic noises~                                                              
                           `--l--`  │ │                                                   
                                    │ │                                                   
                                    │ │             ~raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~            
                                    │ │                                      
                           o        │ │     o                           
                            )    o  │ │    ( 
                           \│/  (   │ │   \│/
                               \│/  │ │ o  WWwwwW
                                  o │ │  )  
                          WWwwWww ( │ │ \│/
   ║ 0x07                       Email                                                                                 DOXED BY SZY║
                           .`.        `.
                          /   \ .======.\                      Emails
                          │   │ │______││		       1 cuzaseso@outlook.com 
                          │   │   _____ │		       2 maxolofson@hotmail.com
                          │   │  /    / │	               
                          │   │ /____/  │		       
                          │ _ │         │		      
                          │/ \│.-"```"-.│		       		
                          `` │││      │││	
                             `"`      `"   
                          EMAIL BREACHES
                               │ ─ Connected            
                               │   │ 
                               │   │──│Basic
                               │   │──│apple, 
                               │   │──│facebook, 
                               │   │──│google, 
                               │   │──│instagram, 
                               │   │──│microsoft, 
                               │   │──│pinterest, 
                               │   │──│spotify, 
                               │   │──│tumblr, 
                               │   │──│twitter, 
                               │   │──│vimeo, 
                               │   │──│discord, 
                               │   │──│adobe, 
                               │   │──│imgur, 
                               │   │──│disneyplus, 
                               │   │──│quora
                               │   │──│Picsart

                               │ ─ Connected            
                               │   │ 
                               │   │──│facebook, 
                               │   │──│instagram, 
                               │   │──│microsoft, 
                               │   │──│spotify, 
                               │   │──│vimeo, 
                               │   │──│discord

   ║  0x08                     Passwords                                                                              DOXED BY SZY║   

   ║ 0x09                       Family                                                                                DOXED BY SZY║

          │6 6│                
          \ - /  
   .@@@. __) (__   
   @6 6@/  \./  \               ˅ Mother..... Eva Kristina Carlbom                  
   @ = @ :  :  : \              │ DOB........ 1945/08/03 -- YY/MM/DD
   _) (_'│  :  │) )             │ Age........ 78               
 /' \./ '\  :  │_/              ˄ 
/ /\ _ /\ \=o==│)  
\ \ )  (/ /%│%%'             
 '7/    \7%%│%%'                
   │    │`%%│%%'
   │    │`%%│%%'
   │_.._│ /_│_\                 ˅ Address............  Sjödalsvägen 11 lgh 1104                
                                │ Bedrooms...........  1                          
                                │ SQM................  65
                                  /              \                          
                                 /                \                         
                                 ││  ││ /--\ ││  ││
                                 ││[]││ │ .│ ││[]││
                              ( )│-│-│-│====│-│-│-│( ) 

   ║ 0x010                       Parents contact                                                                      DOXED BY SZY║
                                ˅ Mother........ Eva Kristina Carlbom
                                │ Phone number.. 076-4171044
                                │ Email......... Evacarlbom@gmail.com

                                ˅ Personal docs.
                                │ SSN........... 19450803 - XXXX
   ║ 0x11                       Family Lineage                                                                        DOXED BY SZY║

                                                     .-') _        ,-.    ('-.     
                                                    ( OO ) )       / /   ( OO ).-. 
                                                ,--./ ,--,'       / /    / . --. / 
                                                |   \ |  |\      / /     | \-.  \  
                                                |    \|  | )    / /    .-'-'  |  | 
                                                |  .     |/    / /      \| |_.'  | 
                                                |  |\    |    / /        |  .-.  | 
                                                |  | \   |   / /         |  | |  | 
                                                `--'  `--'   `-'         `--' `--' 

   ║ 0x12                       Outro n' credits                                                                      DOXED BY SZY║