Nyxvii - i_expi DOX

All information I currently know about this individual is listed here.

Known Name: Rose
Age: 16
Roblox Profile: https://www.roblox.com/users/629972145/profile
Her Idiotic Supposed Boyfriend: https://www.roblox.com/users/21473630/profile
Her Group: https://www.roblox.com/groups/5406761/Accrual-Wrld#!/about
A picture of herself: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/697549261352599604/725067365645025582/nyxirl.jpg
Discord: adri°beaR°#9674

Reason: Likely lied about things about her life situations, blocked every single person that mostly did things for her and helped her out, faked her suicide attempts, and literally lies about every
shit she says most of the time.
Additional information: Deleted all Direct Messages (DMS) towards me on discord for some reason, so I do not have any proof whatsoever of anything. Do not attack her or anything since she helped out with
a few things but after literally everything its just I think personally worth to make a dox.

This isn't a whole lot of information, but this is all I have personally gotten. Will update when I can.