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 Dox-Reason : 

 [+] Hypixel housing reject - Rox Reject - Common whore

 [+] Clarification, Photos have been acquired, they're being held back to protect multiple individuals.


 [+] Basic information :

 [+] Known As               : Nygs
 [+] First name             : Nya
 [+] Last name              : Hall
 [+] Age                    : 16
 [+] Email                  : nyahall2007@icloud.com (Password: nyahall), nyahall2007@gmail.com (Password: laracross)
 [+] Phone                  : +1 (770) 843-7139 (NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC - GA)
 [+] Address                : 555 Scott Rd. Canton, GA (PRIMARY) 
 [+] Siblings               : 2-3 Sisters
 [+] Ethnicity              : idk some faggot mixed halfbreed
 [+] School District        : woodstock highschool
 [+] MC Accounts            : Nygs


 [+] additional information :

 [+] Aliases/Pseudonyms     : 

                              UUID: f79c7c4f-72cc-4a2b-8287-7e661c4b78b2

                              1. SiannaCraft | OG
                              2. Tari_109 | 2018-06-14T20:57:01.000+02:00
                              3. FqdedGrqy | 2019-01-19T19:23:07.000+01:00
                              4. cac_tii | 2019-02-21T15:56:49.000+01:00
                              5. milky_wqe | 2019-03-24T04:10:16.000+01:00
                              6. buzzboi_ | 2019-04-26T00:36:14.000+02:00
                              7. lehmonade | 2019-05-26T16:36:28.000+02:00
                              8. oasiale | 2019-06-25T22:45:31.000+02:00
                              9. pollutqnts | 2019-07-29T20:53:08.000+02:00
                              10. wcnderlands | 2019-08-31T20:34:20.000+02:00
                              11. aeuo | 2019-10-03T01:11:02.000+02:00
                              12. apatheticy | 2019-12-08T06:45:05.000+01:00
                              13. floraltears | 2020-01-12T02:47:13.000+01:00
                              14. staars | 2020-03-21T20:44:42.000+01:00
                              15. ny7a | 2020-04-29T22:20:49.000+02:00
                              16. oknya | 2020-06-28T07:11:20.000+02:00
                              17. bourdom | 2020-07-29T04:17:04.000+02:00
                              18. mwney | 2020-08-28T04:55:39.000+02:00
                              19. lcverz | 2020-10-18T10:05:36.000+02:00
                              20. STEPSISNYA | 2020-11-17T15:54:03.000+01:00
                              21. OUCHE5 | 2020-12-17T23:13:01.000+01:00
                              22. steamrolls | 2021-01-17T00:47:58.000+01:00
                              23. nygs | 2023-08-11T11:55:13.566+02:00
                              Sianna Rocks21

 [+] NameMC                 : https://namemc.com/search?q=nygs

 [+] Non-Current IP'S       :
                              IP Information:
                              Location: Phoenix, Arizona, US
                              Coordinates: 33.4484,-112.0740
                              Organization: AS6167 Verizon Business
                              Postal Code: 85001
                              Timezone: America/Phoenix
                              ASN: AS6167 - Verizon Business
                              Company: Verizon Business
                              Hostname: 63.sub-174-218-1.myvzw.com

                              Privacy Information:
                              Vpn: False
                              Proxy: False
                              Tor: False
                              Relay: False
                              Hosting: False


 [+] Fathers Information:

 [+] Full Name              : Anthony K Hall
 [+] DOB                    : May 1962
 [+] Age                    : 61
 [+] Address                : 555 Scott Rd. Canton, GA (PRIMARY) 
 [+] Phone number(s)        : (404) 805-4049 - Wireless ///// (404) 295-5204 - Wireless ,Last Reported Oct 2010
 [+] Emails                 : northnuri@gmail.com, teelite@hotmail.com, northphillybub@gmail.com


 [+] Mothers Information:

 [+] Full Name              : Emily Michelle (Hall) - Probably added then removed the last name.
 [+] DOB                    : March 1973
 [+] Age                    : 50
 [+] Address                : 59 Anderson Ave #413 Canton, GA 30114
 [+] Phone number(s)        : CURRENT: (404) 295-5204 - Wireless ///// (843) 506-8783 - Landline Last reported May 2020 ///// (770) 627-5953 - Last reported May 2020
 [+] Emails                 : athompson13@netzero.net, michelle33073@gmail.com
 [+] Instagram + Twitter    : https://twitter.com/michelle_sc73 ///// https://www.instagram.com/locjourney_michelle/



[+] [Database Results]


email: nyahall2007@icloud.com
lastip: 2601:cf:4500:3fd0:e142:dd2d:9b89:d240
hash: $2y$10$cqZZ01a9g5e9JSqNP57xeuSJHXm/BkCdLydTaousGEb1HsBCiaqMi
name: Nya Hall

email: nyahall2007@icloud.com
username: onewithnature001
hash: 241b84cb1f9d0d5272ba5c7d8d9ae1b2

email: nyahall2007@icloud.com

email: nyahall2007@icloud.com
username: nyahall2007-38954009
salt: 385e8b412cd148c077ed371d2d6e4c9e8a62a2cc

email: nyahall2007@gmail.com
username: fqded.grqy
hash: d4ad6bc18cee5558be95f52a0bcce326
