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Introduction   Persona    Personal Info    Network    Socials    Other

This individual is 18+ and draws NSFW content of roblox avatars, ones owned by a minor.
Doxx will be updated regularly!


Aliases:                                                          Contributions:

notive                           notivee                          Animator - @YouTube   
inotivei                         Jacob                            Developer - @Roblox                   
jacoe08                          PlacidDay
jacoe09                          jacobisawesum2

Personal Info

Name: Jacob Basrawi                                               Emails: jacoe08@gmail.com                                       
Birthday: September 27, 1999                                      jacobisawesum@gmail.com
Age: 20                                                           jacobisawesum1@gmail.com
Address:                                                          jacobisawesum2@gmail.com                                                    
Lat: WIP                                                          jacoe09@gmail.com
School: WIP                                                       jacoe09@yahoo.co.uk                                                                                                                       


Twitter: twitter.com/inotivei                                                Imgur:  imgur.com/user/notive (Jacked) 
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@notivee                                      
Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/jacobby (Possibly)                  
Roblox: roblox.com/users/28222914/profile                                   
Ultimate Guitar: ultimate-guitar.com/u/inotivei               
Minecraftforums: https://www.minecraftforum.net/members/inotivei         

We have left all the accounts passwords unchanged, feel free to fuck around with them if not taken already. Only applies to jacked accounts.


https://roblox.fandom.com/wiki/Community:Notive , https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/Notive

Proof checking/Updates:

Last name:
We can confirm Baswari is his last name because he's used it multiple times on websites.
We have added associated websites that confirm his last name in the Socials tab.

We have updated his age with the real one, because the wiki was incorrect, can confirm after reading
his MinecraftForums posts.

The address is currently being reconfirmed
Multiple times notive claims he's from Pennsylvania if you look through his accounts

All other accounts obtained by search engines and holehe confirming his email(s) connected on them.