               Xspoit Pedo Dox Report #23       |         Norma Fisher

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Was found on a "Game" called Vr Chat Talking to underage kids
Asking for pictures, videos, ect
this person thought and said "You can't do shit to me"     ( She was very wrong )
Overall the amount of grooming and fiddling is unforgivable 
have fun :)

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Full Name: Norma Fisher
Age: 26
Date of Birth: 1997-04-14
Gender: Women
Marital Status: Divorced
Postal Code: N/A
Nationality: American
Occupation: Therapist, speech and language
Employer: Lane-Brown
Annual Income: $133,032
Education Level: High School Diploma
Hobbies: Games, Writing, Walking
Favorite Food: N/A
Favorite Movie: N/A

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Mother's Name: Kristine Fisher
Father's Name: Bradley Horn
Children Count: 3
Pet Name: Oreo
Sibling Names: Steven, Thomas, Christopher, Gloria
Emergency Contact: N/A

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Job Title: Engineer, maintenance (IT)
Years of Experience: 6
Skills: questions, exp, Lazy, 
Projects Completed: 29
Awards: N/A
Certifications: N/A
Work Address: N/A
LinkedIn Profile: N/A

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Bank Name: N/A
Credit Card Provider: N/A
Account Type: Investment
Last 4 Digits of Card: 0127
Credit Score: 678
Loan Status: Approved
Policy Number: POL0396370
Insurance Provider: N/A

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IP Address:
MAC Address: 7c:e2:85:3a:b7:25
Public IP:
Private IP:
Network Provider: Spectrum 
Router Model: Model-OES6510
Firewall Status: Enabled
VPN Status: Active
Connection Speed: 542 Mbps
Encryption Type: WPA3
Subnet Mask:
Port Used: 20137

Have fun Norma you not invincible 
do what ever you want to her lol
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