NonnyTheThot/Samantha Koriiuu/Wolfkat Akabanae/Realgobotanim 
Real Name: Noah Hartman
DOB: May 18, 2005
Location: Yorkton, Saskatchewan, CA
Twitter: @DomWolfSammy, @FFoxina, @gobotanim, @TechKatTheBot, @Funtimefurrie, @Freakshow666666,
@MrKitty900, @SuccSuccSuccY, @FoxytheFemaleF,
@agr8boi, @notBlinder, @Ziggy52150894

YouTube: NonnyTheThot [OFFICIAL]
Discord: NonnyTheThot#1487
Reddit: u/NonnyTheThot
Insta: NonnytheTh_T, ThonnytheNot
DA: NonnyTheThot123

Reason: does sexual roleplay with adults while being underaged
Attacks people who don’t want to roleplay with him
Attacks random people on Twitter taking everything out of context
Those who he targets he attacks consistently despite pleads for him to stop.