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Here the deal. There is this skid called J3X/Nocturn and he actually is in the 
skidseal  server as Nocturn#6969.... anyways 

I was giving this kid a cheat than this kid yully took the source and sent it to J3X, J3X can’t even change the GUI correctly LMFAO 
so here is the daily new of “SKID ALERT  “ have a great day!

Name: Ryan Jalali
Proof its him
[6:36PM] Nocturn: someone gave you my name :sob:
[6:36 PM] Nocturn: so who was it
[6:36 PM] Nocturn: ctrl
[6:36 PM] Nocturn: trixity
[6:36 PM] Nocturn: who
Face Pick: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/748305542912671794/758803252061274152/ryan_back_then.jpg