╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗             (Note) pursue did majority of the work.
                ║            /$$$$$$         /$$$$$$        /$$$$$$$$        /$$$$$$         /$$$$$$        ║             (Note) Thank's Death for the swatting. <3
                ║           /$$__  $$       |____  $$      |____ /$$/       /$$__  $$       /$$__  $$       ║     
                ║           | $$  \__/        /$$$$$$$         /$$$$/       | $$  \ $$      | $$  \__/      ║
                ║           | $$             /$$__  $$        /$$__/        | $$  | $$      | $$            ║
                ║           | $$            |  $$$$$$$       /$$$$$$$$      |  $$$$$$/      | $$            ║
                ║           |__/             \_______/      |________/       \______/       |__/            ║
                ║ Content ║                                                                        ║ //SKIDS║
                ║                         ╔═══════════════════════════════════╗                             ║
                ║                         ║                                   ║                             ║
                ║                         ║      -= Table of Contents =-      ║                             ║
                ║                         ║          //Introduction           ║               _.._          ║
                ║                         ║          //Proof                  ║             .' .-'`         ║
                ║                         ║          //Personal Info          ║            /  /             ║
                ║                         ║          //Socials                ║            |  |             ║
                ║                         ║          //Family Info            ║            \  \             ║
                ║                         ║          //House Info             ║             '._'-._         ║
                ║                         ║          //Car Info               ║                ```          ║
                ║ ──▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒───▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒   ║          //Criminal Records       ║                             ║
                ║ ─▒▐▒▐▒▒▒▒▌▒─▒▒▌▒▒▐▒▒▌▒  ║          //Bankruptcies           ║                             ║
                ║ ──▒▀▄█▒▄▀▒───▒▀▄▒▌▄▀▒   ║          //Ending                 ║                             ║
                ║ ─────██─────────██      ║          //Credits                ║                             ║
                ║ ░░░▄▄██▄░░░░░░░▄██▄░░░  ║                                   ║                             ║
                ║                         ╚═══════════════════════════════════╝  ──▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒───▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒      ║
                ║                                                                ─▒▐▒▐▒▒▒▒▌▒─▒▒▌▒▒▐▒▒▌▒     ║
                ║                                                                ──▒▀▄█▒▄▀▒───▒▀▄▒▌▄▀▒      ║
                ║                                                                ─────██─────────██         ║
                ║                                                                ░░░▄▄██▄░░░░░░░▄██▄░░░     ║
                ║                        -= Introduction - Reasons =-                                       ║
                ║           This dox is about a person named, Noah Mattew Marling.                          ║
                ║          Noah was threatening a "Unknown person" that he was gonna leak her nudes/CP.     ║
                ║       The girl's age is 16 while he was 17 turning 18, which is not wrong but the         ║
                ║           reason is what made me do this with some help of really nice people.            ║
                ║               This is the most fame he will ever get so BLOW UP!!!!                       ║
                ║                            -= Chat - Pictures =-                                          ║
                ║ https://ibb.co/6RS1R2s                                                                    ║
                ║ https://ibb.co/5RTXWb8                                                                    ║
                ║ https://ibb.co/VW34dGF                                                                    ║
                ║Personal ║ FN-»Noah                                                               ║ //SKIDS║
                ╠═════════╣  MN-»Matthew                                                           ╠════════╣
                ║ pursue  ║   LN-»Marling                                                          ║ death  ║
                ║ enact   ║     Age-» 17                                                           ║        ║
                ║  14x    ║    Address↓                                                            ║        ║
                ║         ║ 4244 Trumbull St, Bellaire OH 43906                                    ║        ║
                ║                                 -= Socials =-                                             ║
                ║   Guided                                                                                  ║
                ║      └──|https://www.guilded.gg/u/noah-marling/up/games                                   ║
                ║                                              └──│qxtkii                                   ║
                ║   Roblox                                                                                  ║
                ║      └──│https://www.roblox.com/users/2335281823/profile                                  ║
                ║                                                    └──│@Lostssoul1                        ║
                ║                                     / │@Lostssoul1                                        ║
                ║                                    /  │@ColdHearted991                                    ║
                ║                    Old Users  =   |   │@qxtkii                                            ║
                ║                                    \  │@xxixxxflxxiw                                      ║
                ║                                     \ │@Sadvibes12456                                     ║
                ║    Twitch                                                                                 ║
                ║       └──│https://www.twitch.tv/noahmarling123/videos                                     ║
                ║                                                                                           ║
                ║    Discord                                                                                ║
                ║        └──│𝕜𝕖𝕟 𝕂𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕜𝕚                                                                     ║
                ║               └──│uzis56                                                                  ║
                ║                      └──│1140662460647481466                                              ║
                ║    Youtube                                                                                ║
                ║       └──│https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw7Z_0_oq_LE51aW3Qco4Yw                        ║
                ║                            └──│@xxjake_devilxx6692                                        ║
                ║     Xbox                                                                                  ║
                ║      └──│Dream#77716                                                                      ║
                ║                                                                                           ║
                ║     Epic Games                                                                            ║
                ║         └──│https://store.epicgames.com/u/5686e307e2be46f59877e254cf66d440                ║
                ║     Vrchat                                                                                ║
                ║         └──│༒CXLD༒-                                                                      ║                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ║
                ║                 └──│https://vrchat.com/home/user/usr_9093b36a-c892-4153-9272-8b4e5c332419 ║
                ║                                     -= Family =-                                          ║
                ║Personal ║ FN-»Brian                                                              ║ //SKIDS║
                ╠═════════╣  MN-»Matthew                                                           ╠════════╣
                ║  pursue ║   LN-»Marling                                                          ║  death ║
                ║  enact  ║     Age-» 45                                                           ╚════════╣
                ║   14x   ║      DOB-» May 1979                                                             ║
                ╠═════════╝             Address↓                                                            ║
                ║                       4244 Trumbull St, Bellaire OH 43906                                 ║
                ║                                       -= House =-                                         ║
                ║ FIPS Code                                  ║                                              ║
                ║        └──│39013                           ║  Address                                     ║
                ║    County                                  ║       └──│908 W Bennett St                   ║
                ║        └──│Belmont                         ║  State                                       ║
                ║    Unformatted APN                         ║   └──│OH                                     ║
                ║               └──│22-00929-000             ║   Zip                                        ║
                ║    Formatted APN                           ║    └──│43912-1179                            ║
                ║               └──│2200929000               ║   Carrier Route                              ║
                ║    Account Number                          ║             └──│C002                         ║
                ║               └──│032697-1                 ║  City                                        ║
                ║    Tax Jurisdiction                        ║    └──│Bridgeport                            ║
                ║               └──│BRIDGEPORT               ║                                              ║
                ║    CBSA Name                               ║   MAK                                        ║
                ║        └──│Wheeling, WV-OH Metro Area      ║     └──│4037143762                           ║
                ║   CBSA Code                                ║     Full Name                                ║
                ║        └──│48540                           ║             └──│ Karen Marling               ║
                ║   MSA Name                                 ║    First Name                                ║
                ║        └──│Wheeling, WV-OH                 ║           └──│Karen                          ║
                ║    MSA Code                                ║       Last Name                              ║
                ║        └──│48540                           ║              └──│ Marling                    ║
                ║    Minor Civil Division Code               ║       Melissa Identity Key1                  ║
                ║                      └──│61378             ║               └──│10309827812                ║
                ║    Census Tract                            ╠══════════════════════════════════════════════╣
                ║        └──│010200                          ║                                              ║
                ║    Census Block Grp                        ║                                              ║
                ║        └──│4                               ║                                              ║
                ║    Census Block                            ║                                              ║
                ║        └──│4020                            ║                                              ║
                ║    Address                                 ║                                              ║
                ║        └──│908 W Bennett St                ║                                              ║
                ║    City                                    ║                                              ║
                ║      └──│Bridgeport                        ║                                              ║
                ║    State                                   ║                                              ║
                ║        └──│OH                              ║                                              ║
                ║    Zip                                     ║       ,ad8PPPP88b,     ,d88PPPP8ba,          ║
                ║     └──│43912-1179                         ║      d8P"      "Y8b, ,d8P"      "Y8b         ║
                ║    Carrier Route                           ║     dP'           "8a8"           `Yd        ║
                ║               └──│C002                     ║     8(              "              )8        ║
                ║    MAK                                     ║     I8                             8I        ║
                ║      └──│4037143762                        ║      Yb,          Pursue         ,dP         ║
                ║    Latitude                                ║       "8a,                     ,a8"          ║
                ║        └──│40.068452                       ║         "8a,                 ,a8"            ║
                ║    Longitude                               ║           "Yba             adP"              ║
                ║          └──│-80.752008                    ║             `Y8a         a8P'                ║
                ║    Privacy Info                            ║               `88,     ,88'                  ║
                ║              └──│Unknown or Not Provided   ║                 "8b   d8"                    ║
                ║    Range                                   ║                  "8b d8"                     ║
                ║       └──│908                              ║                   `888'                      ║
                ║    Pre Directional                         ║                     "                        ║
                ║                 └──│W                      ║                                              ║
                ║    Street Name                             ║                                              ║
                ║            └──│Bennett                     ║                                              ║
                ║    Suffix                                  ║                                              ║
                ║        └──│St                              ║                                              ║
                ║    Lot Number1                             ║                                              ║
                ║            └──│71                          ║                                              ║
                ╠════════════════════════════════════════════╣                                              ║
                ║              -= Taxes =-                   ║                                              ║
                ║2023                                         ║ 
                ║  └──│$1,171                                 ║                  -= Notepad++ =-
                ║          └──│(+42.1%)                       ║
                ║                   └──│$1,720                ║          death "fucking retard"
                ║                           └──│$5,070        ║         
                ║                                   └──│$6,790║          pursue "hard to dox my ass"
                ║2022                                         ║          
                ║  └──│$824                                   ║          death "how tf is someone that corny?"
                ║          └──│(+38.1%)                       ║
                ║                   └──│$1,720                ║          14x "nigga is so fucked ahahah"
                ║                           └──│$5,070        ║
                ║                                   └──│$6,790║          death "just swatted this reject"
                ║2021                                         ║ 
                ║  └──│$597                                   ║          enact "yall skids"
                ║          └──│(−58.9%)                       ║
                ║                   └──│$1,720                ║          pursue "we skids? he don't know
                ║                           └──│$5,070        ║          5 coding languages like cmon" 
                ║                                   └──│$6,790║
                ║2020                                         ║          14x "nah thats wild"
                ║  └──│$1,451                                 ║       ═══════════════════════════════════════
                ║          └──│(+4.0%)                        ║       Discord   
                ║                   └──│$1,490                ║           └──│swatcams
                ║                           └──│$4,420        ║       Telegram
                ║                                   └──│$5,910║           └──│t.me/pursuement
                ║2019                                         ║       Discord 
                ║  └──│$1,396                                 ║           └──│4nact
                ║          └──│(+36.0%)                       ║       Telegram
                ║                   └──│$1,490                ║           └──│t.me/EN1CT
                ║                           └──│$4,420        ║       Discord
                ║                                   └──│$5,910║           └──│embodys
                ║2018                                         ║       Telegram
                ║  └──│$1,026                                 ║           └──│t.me/fourteenx1
                ║          └──│(+691.7%)                      ║       Discord
                ║                   └──│$1,490                ║           └──│dooringnewgens
                ║                           └──│$4,420        ║       Telegram
                ║                                   └──│$5,910║           └──│t.me/Zuni
                ║                                             ║
                ║                -= Car =-                    ║
                ║                                                                                           ║
                ║  VIN                                                                                      ║
                ║   └──│1FAFP40402F190274                                                                   ║
                ║  Year                                                                                     ║
                ║    └──│2002                                                                               ║
                ║  Make                                                                                     ║
                ║    └──│Ford                                                                               ║
                ║  Model                                                                                    ║
                ║    └──│Mustang                                                                            ║
                ║  VIN                                                                                      ║
                ║   └──│1G1JH12F547182868                                                                   ║
                ║  Year                                                                                     ║
                ║    └──│2004                                                                               ║
                ║  Make                                                                                     ║
                ║    └──│Chevrolet                                                                          ║
                ║  Model                                                                                    ║
                ║    └──│Cavalier                                                                           ║
                ║                                -= Criminal Records =-                                     ║
                ║                         1.Brian M. Marling SPEED FIRST OFFENSE                            ║
                ║Case Details:                                                                              ║
                ║First Name: 	Brian                                                                       ║
                ║Middle Name: 	M                                                                           ║
                ║Last Name: 	Marling                                                                     ║
                ║ID#: 	02 TR D 04376                                                                       ║
                ║Jurisdiction: 	OH                                                                          ║
                ║Date of Birth: 	May 1979                                                            ║
                ║Age: 	45                                                                                  ║
                ║Charge Details:                                                                            ║
                ║Source: 	oh_belmont_easternView                                                      ║
                ║Charges Filed Date: 	11/20/2002                                                          ║
                ║Offense Code: 	4511.21#1                                                                   ║
                ║Offense Desc 1: 	SPEED FIRST OFFENSE                                                 ║
                ║Court: 	OH Belmont County Court Eastern District                                    ║
                ║Disposition: 	CONVICTED                                                                   ║
                ║Disposition Date: 	12/03/2002                                                          ║
                ║Case Type: 	MM                                                                          ║
                ║Source Name: 	OH Belmont County Court Eastern District                                    ║
                ║Source State: 	OH                                                                          ║
                ║       ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════     ║
                ║                       2. Brian M. Marling SEAT BELT - DRIVER                              ║
                ║Case Details:                                                                              ║
                ║First Name: 	Brian                                                                       ║
                ║Middle Name: 	M                                                                           ║
                ║Last Name: 	Marling                                                                     ║
                ║ID#: 	02 TR D 04376                                                                       ║
                ║Jurisdiction: 	OH                                                                          ║
                ║Date of Birth: 	May 1979                                                            ║
                ║Age: 	45                                                                                  ║
                ║Charge Details:                                                                            ║
                ║Source: 	oh_belmont_easternView                                                      ║
                ║Charges Filed Date: 	11/20/2002                                                          ║
                ║Offense Code: 	4513.263                                                                    ║
                ║Offense Desc 1: 	SEAT BELT - DRIVER                                                  ║
                ║Court: 	OH Belmont County Court Eastern District                                    ║
                ║Disposition: 	CONVICTED                                                                   ║
                ║Disposition Date: 	12/03/2002                                                          ║
                ║Case Type: 	MM                                                                          ║
                ║Source Name: 	OH Belmont County Court Eastern District                                    ║
                ║Source State: 	OH                                                                          ║
                ║                                 -= Bankruptcies  =-                                       ║
                ║                               1. BRIAN M. MARLING                                         ║
                ║       ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════     ║
                ║ First Name: 	BRIAN                                                                       ║
                ║ Last Name: 	MARLING                                                                     ║
                ║ Middle Name: 	M.                                                                          ║
                ║ Full Address: 	4244 PINE ALY                                                       ║
                ║ City: 	BELLAIRE                                                                    ║
                ║ Zip: 	43906                                                                               ║
                ║ Filing Number: 	2:2006-BK-55011                                                     ║
                ║ Filing Date: 	09/12/2006                                                                  ║
                ║ Filling State: 	OH                                                                  ║
                ║ Docket Number: 	2:2006-BK-55011                                                     ║
                ║ Discharge Date: 	12/19/2006                                                          ║
                ║ Chapter: 	7                                                                           ║
                ║                                    -= Ending =-                                           ║
                ║I hope this finds you well Noah Matthew Marling, the fact that you were not scared of being║
                ║doxxed is finally a fear for you, I hope anyone with a bigger brain then you really learns ║
                ║something from this and all your friends get sent this cause you a nasty person and a      ║
                ║bafoon, if you think threats about leaking CP is funny and cool, think again.              ║
                ║                                    -= Credits =-                                          ║
                ║                                                                                                                                                 ║
                ║                                                                                                                                                 ║
                ║                                                                                   /Cold                                                         ║
                ║                                                                                 /                                                               ║
                ║                                     (:`--..___...-''``-._             |`._   /                                                                  ║
                ║                                        ```--...--.      . `-..__      .`/ _\                                                                    ║
                ║                                                 `\     '       ```--`.    />                                                                    ║
                ║                                                : :   :               `:`-'                                                                      ║
                ║                                                 `.:.  `.._--...___     ``--...__                                                                ║
                ║                                                    ``--..,)       ```----....__,)                                                               ║
                ║                                     ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐                                               ║
                ║                                     │                                                           │                                               ║
                ║                                     │                                                           │                                               ║
                ║                                     │       enact =  https://doxbin.net/user/Enact              │                                               ║
                ║                                     │                                                           │                                               ║
                ║                                     │       pursue =  https://doxbin.net/user/demote            │                                               ║
                ║                                     │                                                           │                                               ║
                ║                                     │       14x =  https://doxbin.net/user/14x                  │                                               ║
                ║                                     │                                                           │                                               ║
                ║                                     │ death = https://doxbin.net/user/dexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx│                                               ║
                ║                                     │                                                           │                                               ║
                ║                                     │       discord.gg/got                                      │                                               ║
                ║                        ,MMM8&&&.    │       discord.gg/court                                    │                                               ║
                ║                       MMMM88&&&&&   │       discord.gg/screams                                  │                                               ║
                ║                      MMMM88&&&&&&&  │                                                           │                                               ║
                ║                      MMM88&&&&&&&&  │       If you can get more info please send it to me and   │                                               ║
                ║                      MMM88&&&&&&&&  │       i will put your name on as a edit/helper.           │                                               ║
                ║                      'MMM88&&&&&&'  │                                                           │                                               ║
                ║                        'MMM8&&&'    │                                                           │                                               ║
                ║                                     └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘              _                                ║
                ║        |\___/|                                                                                                 \\                               ║
                ║        ) ~   (                                                                               |\_/|              ||                              ║
                ║       =\   ~ /=                                                                              )a a '._.-""""-.  //                               ║
                ║         )===(                                                                               =\T_= /    ~  ~  \//                                ║
                ║        /     \                                                                                `"`\   ~   / ~  /                                 ║
                ║        |  ~  |                                                                                   | ~   \ |  ~/                                  ║
                ║       /     ~ \                                                                                   \  ~/   \ ~\                                  ║
                ║       \  ~    /                                                                                   || |    // /`                                 ║
                ║_/\_/\_/\__  ~/_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\__/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/((_|\/\((_//\_/\_/\_ /\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\__║
                ║|  |  |  |( (  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | ║  | | | |║
                ║|  |  |  | ) ) |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | ║  |  | | ║
                ║|  |  |  |(_(  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | ║  | | |  ║
                ║|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | ║  | | | |║