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Good evening Doxbin.
This Dox is self explanatory and my commentary wont be needed.
The reason for the dox is also self explanatory.

Nicholas Matthew Perry (Nikocado Avacado)
ADDRESS:  2185 Pretty Ln Apt 3, West Palm Beach, FL 33415

Previous Addresses: {
39 Runyon Rd; Hummelstown, PA 17036-2502
620 Michigan Ave NE; Washington, DC 20064-0001
2185 Pretty Ln, APT 3; West Palm Bch, FL 33415-7355
Phone Number(s): {(717) 566-3566, (717)561-3566}

Gary Lee Perry (Nicholases Father)
 Age: 53
Phone Number: {(240) 286-4909}
Current Address: 2408 Pomeroy Rd SE, APT T1; Washington, DC 20020-3525 
Previous Addresses: 
3031 30th St SE, APT 2; Washington, DC 20020-1647
2306 Hartford St SE, APT 303; Washington, DC 20020-7965
1811 Iverson St; Oxon Hill, MD 20745-4214 

Relatives: { Gary E Perry ,Gary E Perry, Glenda R Acors, Glenda R Perry, Glenda Perry}

His Associate(s)
This information was tied to him in a data leak. No guarantee of connection with Nikcoado Avacado
Mary C Chiricos
Age: 31
Phone Number:  (717) 566-3566
Current Address: 110 Townhouse; Hershey, PA 17033-2320 
Previous Addresses:
30 Old Cabin Hollow Rd, APT 103; Dillsburg, PA 17019-9781
351 Bethel Church Rd; New Cumberland, PA 17070-2502
714 Charles Rd; Dauphin, PA 17018-9628 
Relatives: { Andrew R Poorman, Christopher L Chiricos, Mary L Chiricos, Robin Renee Chiricos,Thomas J Chiricos }
Farah Marie Emory
Age: 24
Address: 315 Avenue C, APT 10C; New York, NY 10009-1612 
Previous Addresses:
715 12th Ave; San Francisco, CA 94118-3620
6101 Gothic Ln; Bowie, MD 20720-5304
8816 Lanier Dr, APT 1; Silver Spring, MD 20910-2314 
Relatives: { Angela T Emory, Dion Wesley Emory,Taliyah Sade Emory, Muhammad Troy D Emory,Troy Darnell Emory }
Isidro Perdomo Pena
Age: 46
Current Address: 3520 Center St NW, APT 305; Washington, DC 20010-3031 
Relatives: { Ana D Figueroa,German P Romero Ana Figueroa,Elsy N Chavez,Freund D Perdomo }

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                   Breaking skulls since 2022.