__ .__ __. .___________. _______ .______ | | | \ | | | || ____|| _ \ | | | \| | `---| |----`| |__ | |_) | | | | . ` | | | | __| | / | | | |\ | | | | |____ | |\ \----. |__| |__| \__| |__| |_______|| _| `._____| Got him Doxed because he scammed little children he is a pedophile who is collecting pictures of naked kids he killed his dog ----- Name: Niklas Amthor Age: 17 City: Kiel in Germany Schleswig holstein Phone Number: +49 176 53773871 U can send him Pictures of naked boys Picture of Him: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1018625549326884994/1035685666132066414/Screenshot_2022-10-25_014647.png Picture of his moldy toe: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1018625549326884994/1035686126830231603/Screenshot_2022-10-25_014640.png ----- Discord: at.niklas#7702 Discord ID: 787428830058250250 Token: / ----- School: RBZ-Technik in Kiel School Website: https://www.rbz-technik.de School Number: Tel.: 0431 16 98 600 Fax: 0431 16 98 699 ----- Parents: Dad: Dirk Amthor Picture: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1032032633317773323/1035681637024931900/unknown.png Picture 2: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1018625549326884994/1035683266520424539/unknown.png Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dirk.amthor/ ----- Options to ruin his life: Call his School and say you are him and make a bomb threat. Say hes a Pedophile. -----