*******     *******   **     ** ******** *******     ******   **    **    ******** *******      **      ********   *******  
/**////**   **/////** //**   ** /**///// /**////**   /*////** //**  **    **////// /**////**    ****    **//////   **/////** 
/**    /** **     //** //** **  /**      /**    /**  /*   /**  //****    /**       /**   /**   **//**  /**        **     //**
/**    /**/**      /**  //***   /******* /**    /**  /******    //**     /*********/*******   **  //** /*********/**      /**
/**    /**/**      /**   **/**  /**////  /**    /**  /*//// **   /**     ////////**/**////   **********////////**/**      /**
/**    ** //**     **   ** //** /**      /**    **   /*    /**   /**            /**/**      /**//////**       /**//**     ** 
/*******   //*******   **   //**/********/*******    /*******    /**      ******** /**      /**     /** ********  //*******  
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║Table Of Contents                                          ║
║ →     0x01 Victim Information.............................║
║ →     0x02 Mother.........................................║
║ →     0x03 Entreprise (NativeLife)........................║
║ →     0x04 Father.........................................║
║ →     0x05 Entreprise (Father)............................║
║ →     0x06 Relatives......................................║

-+-             0x01 Victims Information                -+-

Reason : plays big on Dsiscord and provokes on discord does not hesitate to give him back his own coin.

Victim's Name: Gabriel Gauchard
Victim's Home Address: 20 All. de la Pelouse, 93340 Le Raincy, France
Age: 16 ans
School: Lycée Albert Schweitzer (outdated)
Victim's Number: 07 67 85 37 27
Victim's Email Address: nightlyfr@gmail.com
Victim's Discord: Nightly#7777
Victim's Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/nightlyyyyy
Victim's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gabriel.gauchard
Victim's LinkedIn: https://fr.linkedin.com/in/gabriel-gauchard-923b051ba
Victims's Insta: https://www.instagram.com/gabrielgauchard/
Discord ID: 706111328682639440
Family Home Phone: 09 52 67 32 54
Picture of Victim: N/A

Computer Configuration::

Screen : Samsung G7 32" 240Hz 1ms
Processor : i5 12600KF
Graphic Card : RTX 3060 Ti + RTX 3060

-+-             0x02 Mother                             -+-

Mother's Name: Maria Theresa Ucci
Mother's Date of Birth: N/A
Mother's Address: 20 All. de la Pelouse, 93340 Le Raincy, France
Mother's Email Address: N/A
Mother's Primary Cell (Possibly Old): N/A
Mother's Facebook: N/A
Family Home Phone: N/A

-+-             0x03 NativeLife (Entreprise)            -+-

Website: https://nativelife.fr/
Forum:: https://forum.nativelife.fr/

Insee registration:  

Identification numbers:

Siren number: 920908944

SIRET number (head office): 92090894400019

VAT number: FR04920908944

RCS number: Bobigny A 920 908 944

Commercial information:

Distance selling on general catalog (4791A)

From 30-11-2022 to today 3 months and 28 days

Registered with the RCS on 23-11-2022
Registered at INSEE on 23-09-2022

-+-             0x04 Father                             -+-

Father's Name: Eric Gauchard   
Father's Address: 95 rue de Grenelle, 75007, Paris, France
Victim's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zbulonzbulon

-+-             0x05 Father (Entreprise)                -+-

Insee registration:

Identification numbers:

Siren number: 423123983

SIRET number (head office): 42312398300011

VAT number: FR85423123983

RCS number: Paris A 423 123 983

Commercial information:

Fast Type Restore (5610C)

From 30-11-2022 to today 3 months and 28 days

Registered with the RCS on 23-11-2022
Registered at INSEE on 23-09-2022

-+-             0x06 Relatives                          -+-

Other Relatives:
→ Margaux Ucci Sodoyer: https://www.facebook.com/margaux.sodoyer.5 (Cousine)
→ Sylviane Ucci: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007000128972 (aunt)
→ Nicolas Gauchard Ucci: https://www.facebook.com/nicolas.gaucharducci (Brother)
→ Maïté Ucci: https://www.facebook.com/maite.ucci (Grand Mother)
→ Eric Gauchard: https://www.facebook.com/zbulonzbulon (Father)
→ Meline Gauchard: https://www.facebook.com/meline.gauchard (Grand Mother)   
→ Enzo Ucci: https://www.facebook.com/enzo.ucci.54 (to define)   
→ Marilyne Ucci: https://www.facebook.com/marilyne.ucci (to define)   
→ Nathalie Ucci: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078640784482 (to define)  
→ Ugo Ucci: https://www.facebook.com/ugo.ucci (to define)   
→ Emiline Ucci Fenoll: https://www.facebook.com/uccifenoll.emiline (to define)    
→ Ramona Ucci https://www.facebook.com/ramona.ucci (to define)   
→ Giovanni Ucci: https://www.facebook.com/giovanni.ucci (to define) 
→ Sylviane Ucci: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007000128972 (to define) 
→ Sabrina Ucci: https://www.facebook.com/sabrina.ucci.3 (to define) 
→ Léa Ucci: https://www.facebook.com/lea.ucci.3 (to define)