_______  .__       .__  .__           __    ________                
 \      \ |__| ____ |  | |  | ___.__._/  |_  \______ \   _______  ___
 /   |   \|  |/ __ \|  | |  |<   |  |\   __\  |    |  \ /  _ \  \/  /
/    |    \  \  ___/|  |_|  |_\___  | |  |    |    `   (  <_> >    < 
\____|__  /__|\___  >____/____/ ____| |__|   /_______  /\____/__/\_ \
        \/        \/          \/                     \/            \/

[!] Reason Of Dox [!]

[+] Was rude to me and made fun of me

[=] Main Info [=]

[+] Full Name: Michael Anderson

[+] Online Name/Aliaes: Niell, Niellyt

[+] Age: N/A

[+] Race: White

[+] Address: 715 Watkins St, Monroe, LA

[+] IP Address:

[+] Country: United States

[+] Region: Louisiana

[+] City: Monroe

[+] ISP: Level 3 Communications Inc.

[+] Coords: 32.5483 (32° 32′ 53.98″ N) -92.0452 (92° 2′ 42.85″ W)

[+] Picture i found(his face is blured): https://ibb.co/X8N0r0G

[+] Picture of his house: https://ibb.co/tY4mLZc

[+] Keyboard Type: Us(qwertyuiop)

[=] Social Media [=]

[+] Discord: niellyt123 <1129576991671201903>

[+] Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOVngCuyLs2dIrFKNt-tVCA

[=] Proof For Reason Of Dox [=]

[+] https://ibb.co/9W2dV1Z

[+] https://ibb.co/XzcxrTK

[=] Computer Info [=]

[+] Mac address: 31-D9-AF-02-EA-86 

[+] Computer: Intel Gaming PC

________                                  .___ ___.              _____      _____  _______   ____  __.  _________
\______ \   _______  ______  ___ ____   __| _/ \_ |__ ___.__.   /     \    /  |  | \      \ |    |/ _| /   _____/
 |    |  \ /  _ \  \/  /\  \/  // __ \ / __ |   | __ <   |  |  /  \ /  \  /   |  |_/   |   \|      <   \_____  \ 
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/_______  /\____/__/\_ \/__/\_ \\___  >____ |   |___  / ____| \____|__  /\____   |\____|__  /____|__ \/_______  /
        \/            \/      \/    \/     \/       \/\/              \/      |__|        \/        \/        \/