Bro gave out my personal info and asked me to dox him so here it is

Doxed by: m4t1 and 4lb3r7
follow me and 4lb3r7 on doxbin and stay active for another dox

- Full name: Nicolas Galaz Ölander
- Phone number: 073-569 88 64
- Location: Rubinvägen 16  126 78 Hägersten
- Country: Sweden
- City: Stockholm
- School: Västbergaskolan
- School adress: Klensmedsvägen 2 126 38 Hägersten

--Social media:

-Instagram: Graffitinico and n._.colas
-Tiktok: nicoprazz3.0
-Epic games: NicoYouGoGrazy
-Xbox: Nicodico36
-Steam: megaballs
-Playstation: Mateo_pickle_boy


-Dad’s name: Jonas Ölander
-Age: 46 years
-Birthday: May 30
-Location: Rubinvägen 16  126 78 Hägersten
-Country: Sweden
-City: Stockholm
-Vehicle: Dodge journey 2.7
-Vehicle number plate: FWL 355

-Brother’s name: Felipe Galaz Ölander
-Age: 17 years
-Birthday: May 18
-Location: Rubinvägen 16  126 78 Hägersten
-Country: Sweden
-City: Stockholm

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