# Not A Dox But This Deserves To Be Here And If Anyone Can Dox Him Do It And @ Me

"Unjust WPD Ban." - uploaded May 9, 2024 on his [YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@handmade64/videos) ([archive](https://archive.ph/GcEQw))
His comment made on the above video:
> Corrections: Clinical studies DO sometimes attempt to control for confounds. The CSA-adjustment link is still significant due to general bias in clinical sampling here, though most notably the severity of CSA
> .Lack of retrospective perception of willingness is not a confound, although it is conflated with unwilling encounters.
> Additionally: FE ≠ whatever I said
The comment he was banned for:
> To avoid inevitable rhetoric and misrepresentation surrounding the legal terms of 'consent' and 'rape' I'm going to use involuntary and voluntary sex instead. I don't support involuntary sex with children; I do, however see no issue with voluntary ch-adult sex, stemming from empirical findings (Areola et al 2008; Stanley et al 2004; Rind, B, 2001; Rind B, 2021.)
> Studies purporting harmful, long term effects and pervasiveness due to ch-adult sex, often use clinical sampling which don't represent the general population of children legally sexually abused. Off the top of my head: clinical samples are vast majority females, and only consist of cases considered serious enough to report, in contrary to the GP, where a large quantity of instances go unreported due to lack of perceived seriousness Lahtinen, H., et al., (2018). In addition these studies count for no confounding variables.
> What's interesting, is when the definition of CSA was made overinclusive, for college samples, the way of these clinical studies, upon controlling for confounds (Family environment, retrospective perception of willingness) the effect size became almost non existent, with the little remaining values being attributed to unaccounted for variables (Rind, B., & Tromovitch, P, 1997; Rind et al. 1998; Skaug, E, 2022; Ulrich et al, 2008.) With the idea of 'informed consent' as necessary prerequisite to avoid harm being utterly unfounded; again, supported by the Kinsley reports where the retrospective recall rates of positive, neutral and negative experiences being almost synonymous for ch-adult and adult-adult sex.
> I'm willing to discuss any criticisms or issues you may have with the rind study.
Here's our modmail conversation with the guy:
His accounts:
@exquisite-tastes (main account, banned for pedoposting. I'll note that the email he gave us is adamlanzaarg@gmail.com)
@handmadek (email is dylanlanzaarg@gmail.com)
@NicholasProsper (ban evasion alt I found just now. Email is nichprosarg@gmail.com)
Here's an article about the guy:
His name is Nicholas Prosper of Leabank, United Kingdom.
And finally, here's the video where he talks about why he killed them:
> On June 30th my sister decided to make the incorrect ‘choices’ on episode one of season one of the Walking Dead games, and for that her face will be mutilated further than necessary.
> I also recall a video by Living Echoes on YouTube, ‘Best of Lee and Clementine, definitive edition’, it was a compilation, and he decided to kill Larry in front of Clementine, and then I later learned he decided to kill the St. Johns in front of Clementine.
> I am the chosen one, chosen by Clementine. I am guided as Christians are guided by Jesus Christ, and there will be no more killings of Larrys in front of Clementine, no more killings of St. Johns in front of Clementine, and overall, Clementine’s content will be preserved, maximised.
> That’s the message I want to give out.
Especially ironic given that literally none of your choices matter in Season 1 until the final episode (and even then it's kinda debatable). Dumbass nigga
Additional Email information (+ an extra email) :marseygoodjob:
> dylanlanzaarg@gmail.com
> **Google ID**: 105915111072234568673
> **Recovery Phones**: Galaxy S21 5G, Huawei Y6 2019
> **Services**: Twitter
> **PFP:** https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17265122922668908.webp
> adamlanzaarg@gmail.com
> **Google ID**: 116616144757348473384
> **Recovery Phones**: Galaxy S21 5G, Huawei Y6 2019
> **Services**: Pornhub, Twitter
> nichprosarg@gmail.com
> **Google ID**: 116757691445196683684
> **Recovery Phones**: Galaxy S21 5G, Huawei Y6 2019
> **Services**: Twitter
> danielprosperarg@gmail.com
> **Google ID**: 105189832445404331545
> **Recovery Phones**: Galaxy S21 5G, Huawei Y6 2019
> **Services**: Twitter