Name: Nezir Özkan
Age: 16
Ip Adresse:
Country: germany
State: Mannheim/Vogelstang
Street: Meininger weg 29
House number: 29
Number: +49 176 41583917
Gender: male 
Hobbys: none
Hight: 1.85-1.93 cm or 6.3 feet
Weight: 85-95 Kilos

Notes: he is a pedophile, he tried to meet up with 
a 12 year old girl too times trying to have Sex
With them, with one of the 12 year old girls he 
Did Photos of her naked and got away with it but not long
And got beat up for this but he ran away and still has 
The photos.

Someone do something with him ddos or hack him 
Try to delete the photos maybe or something like that