_  _       _____          __                              ____.                __                
         __| || |__   /  _  \   _____/  |_  ____  __ _________       |    | ____   _______/  |_  ___________ 
  ______ \   __   /  /  /_\  \_/ ___\   __\/ __ \|  |  \_  __ \      |    |/ __ \ /  ___/\   __\/ __ \_  __ \
 /_____/  |  ||  |  /    |    \  \___|  | \  ___/|  |  /|  | \/  /\__|    \  ___/ \___ \  |  | \  ___/|  | \/
         /_  ~~  _\ \____|__  /\___  >__|  \___  >____/ |__| /\  \________|\___  >____  > |__|  \___  >__|   
           |_||_|           \/     \/          \/            )/                \/     \/            \/       

               [!] Raison : Petit Acteur d'internet, fais le fou avec son pote en vocal discord
                            "Ta beau être le fils de Dieu, tu reste un fils de pute"
                                Un tonnerre d'applaudissements pour Anthony Fay
                                                   GG WP
            _  _    .___        _____                            __  .__                      
         __| || |__ |   | _____/ ____\___________  _____ _____ _/  |_|__| ____   ____   ______
  ______ \   __   / |   |/    \   __\/  _ \_  __ \/     \\__  \\   __\  |/  _ \ /    \ /  ___/
 /_____/  |  ||  |  |   |   |  \  | (  <_> )  | \/  Y Y  \/ __ \|  | |  (  <_> )   |  \\___ \ 
         /_  ~~  _\ |___|___|  /__|  \____/|__|  |__|_|  (____  /__| |__|\____/|___|  /____  >
           |_||_|            \/                        \/     \/                    \/     \/ 

              Nom -# Fay                        Discord -# NexiiBinks
              Prénom -# Anthony                 Localisation (IpInfo) -# Saint-Laurent-de-la-Salanque, Occitanie
              Email -# fayanthony19@gmail.com   Pays -# France
              Ip -# (SFR)         Age -# 16-17 ans
              (42.77399, 2.99041)
              Minecraft Username History -# Anthony6699, Black_Gohan, BlackGohanYT, Nexiibinks
            _  _    .____    .__        __            
         __| || |__ |    |   |__| ____ |  | __  ______
  ______ \   __   / |    |   |  |/    \|  |/ / /  ___/
 /_____/  |  ||  |  |    |___|  |   |  \    <  \___ \ 
         /_  ~~  _\ |_______ \__|___|  /__|_ \/____  >
           |_||_|           \/       \/     \/     \/ 

              Github -# https://github.com/Nexiiezyou 
              Youtube -# https://www.youtube.com/@nexiibinks

              Log Text Discord -# https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1297001492267663390/1297001621368209479/messages.json?ex=67145663&is=671304e3&hm=f99ff80a14cc3ab3b0b7c480c37512404bd284c728735478f7c02dcfc3cff0de&
              Log Voice Discord -# https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1297001492267663390/1297001621821067274/voice.json?ex=67145663&is=671304e3&hm=93ffd8130ac6118375a03e81d9e19b77aacfe0058f7fd0a67a7b38ebc4ac0d1b&
              Log Text Discord -# https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1297001492267663390/1297002049661308969/messages.json?ex=671456c9&is=67130549&hm=903d9bca0a13640e1f454a1fbda1e313f09967ff9d554bd73295cd6e92cfc8a9&
              Log Voice Discord -# https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1297001492267663390/1297002050009174026/voice.json?ex=671456c9&is=67130549&hm=573a6855a9eb2fb6ccccc2bd83ba6990903de5f1ec032b6ac39c9a0e9084d280&

            _  _    .____                  __     .____    .__          __   
         __| || |__ |    |    ____ _____  |  | __ |    |   |__| _______/  |_ 
  ______ \   __   / |    |  _/ __ \\__  \ |  |/ / |    |   |  |/  ___/\   __\
 /_____/  |  ||  |  |    |__\  ___/ / __ \|    <  |    |___|  |\___ \  |  |  
         /_  ~~  _\ |_______ \___  >____  /__|_ \ |_______ \__/____  > |__|  
           |_||_|           \/   \/     \/     \/         \/       \/        

             [IntelX] > fayanthony19@gmail.com

             12kk_MIX_mailpass.rar/12kk_MIX_mailpass.csv [Part 71 of 102]
             110 k MIX Mail Access.txt
             EmailPASS Recovery File.txt [Part 98 of 99]
             [17.13k] - Plutonia (2020).txt
             [18.77k] - KingWar (2019).txt
             @gmail.com_cleaned.txt [Part 14 of 108]
             HK3378178A97739805053927234234AB09_2023_06_17T18_38_41_493838.rar/FileGrabber/Users/Administrator/Desktop/新建文本文档 (2).txt
             148GB (10).txt [Part 7 of 183]
             148GB (179).txt [Part 22 of 193]
             6_1_15000000.txt [Part 201 of 230]

            _  _       _____                        
         __| || |__   /     \   ___________   ____  
  ______ \   __   /  /  \ /  \ /  _ \_  __ \_/ __ \ 
 /_____/  |  ||  |  /    Y    (  <_> )  | \/\  ___/ 
         /_  ~~  _\ \____|__  /\____/|__|    \___  >
           |_||_|           \/                   \/ 

          [Info Supplémentaire]
          NexiiBinks joue beaucoup sur V3PVP Voici les information du serveur

          [Site] - v3pvp.com
 (vmi1934676.contaboserver.net), Linux, CONTABO (51167), Hesse Germany 
          21/FTP, 22/SSH, 53/DNS, 80/HTTP, 443/HTTP, 8083/HTTP, 8890/HTTP