Netflix, Inc.														
Consolidated Statements of Operations														
(in thousands, except per share data)														
					Three Months Ended				Twelve Months Ended	Three Months Ended				
					March 31,	June 30,	September 30,	December 31,	December 31,	March 31,	June 30,	September 30,	December 31,	
					2020	2020	2020	2020	2020	2021	2021	2021	2021	
Revenues					 $5,767,691 	 $6,148,286 	 $6,435,637 	 $6,644,442 	 $24,996,056 	 $7,163,282 	 $7,341,777 	 $7,483,467 	 $7,709,318 	
	Cost of revenues				3,599,701	3,643,707	3,867,751	4,165,160	 15,276,319 	3,868,511	4,018,008	4,206,589	5,239,575	
	Marketing				503,830	434,370	527,597	762,565	 2,228,362 	512,512	603,973	635,948	792,713	
	Technology and development				453,817	435,045	453,802	486,936	 1,829,600 	525,207	537,321	563,887	647,470	
	General and administrative				252,087	277,236	271,624	275,539	 1,076,486 	297,196	334,845	321,790	397,790	
Operating income					 958,256 	 1,357,928 	 1,314,863 	 954,242 	 4,585,289 	 1,959,856 	 1,847,630 	 1,755,253 	 631,770 	
Other income (expense):														
	Interest expense 				 (184,083)	 (189,151)	 (197,079)	 (197,186)	 (767,499)	 (194,440)	 (191,322)	 (190,429)	 (189,429)	
	Interest and other income (expense)				 21,697 	 (133,175)	 (256,324)	 (250,639)	 (618,441)	 269,086 	 (62,519)	 96,135 	 108,512 	
Income before income taxes					 795,870 	 1,035,602 	 861,460 	 506,417 	 3,199,349 	 2,034,502 	 1,593,789 	 1,660,959 	 550,853 	
Benefit from (provision for) income taxes					 (86,803)	 (315,406)	 (71,484)	 35,739 	 (437,954)	 (327,787)	 (240,776)	 (211,888)	 56,576 	
Net income					 $709,067 	 $720,196 	 $789,976 	 $542,156 	 $2,761,395 	 $1,706,715 	 $1,353,013 	 $1,449,071 	 $607,429 	
Earnings per share:														
	Basic				 $1.61 	 $1.63 	 $1.79 	 $1.23 	 $6.26 	 $3.85 	 $3.05 	 $3.27 	 $1.37 	
	Diluted				 $1.57 	 $1.59 	 $1.74 	 $1.19 	 $6.08 	 $3.75 	 $2.97 	 $3.19 	 $1.33 	
Weighted-average shares of common stock outstanding:														
	Basic				439,352	440,569	441,526	442,220	 440,922 	443,224	443,159	442,778	443,462	
	Diluted				452,494	453,945	455,088	455,283	 454,208 	455,641	455,129	454,925	455,795