Tell netflix how u feel about them streaming child sexual abuse movies..

Netflix Customer Service
Your issue is: Why does nflx support pedophilia??
You are now chatting with: Christian
Netflix Christian: Hi! This is Christian, I will be assisting you today. Also, please don't click the "back button" on this chat box so that we won't be disconnected.. Just an FYI - this chat may auto disconnect if we receive no response from you for a certain period of time.
Netflix Christian: We do understand your initial reaction to the said content, but if you watch the whole film; it does not depict on any way like what you think. Netflix does not have child pornography on the service. This title is not available on the Kids profile (and is rated Mature). Thanks for letting us know about your concern and your opinion matters the most to us. I will definitely take note of your feedback.
You: Netflix is showing and promoting child sexual abuse content. Why?
Netflix Christian: Cuties is a social commentary against the sexualization of young children. It's an award winning film and a powerful story about the pressure young girls face on social media and from society more generally growing up - and we'd encourage anyone who cares about these important issues to watch the movie.
You: It is child abuse. Why is netflix supporting child abuse?
You: Is Reed Hastings a pedophile?
Netflix Christian: Unfortunately that movie is depicting the harsh reality what socia media does to our children.
Netflix Christian: it is not depeciting abuse but rather supporting the cause to promote more vigilance on how parenting should be.
You: Why is the movie rated "mature"?
Netflix Christian: to avoid the movie being viewed by children we changed the maturity rating of it.
You: The movie has children in it but Netflix thinks children shouldn't watch it. That's an admission that Nflix knows it's child sexual abuse content.
Netflix Christian: that movie depicts children being influenced by social media and not getting more attention with their parents.
Netflix Christian: so we should use adults instead of children on that movie?
You: The movie depicts child sexual abuse. Netflix is promoting and showing child pornography.
Netflix Christian: NO, it does not promote sexual abuse rather depicts the reality of children being influence by social media
You: Think about this, your job is having you defend child pornography. Is that something you are proud of?
Netflix Christian: and not getting the proper attention of their parents.
Netflix Christian: I am a parent yet and do have a daughter
You: Then I fear for your daughter. You would not let her watch the movie would you?
Netflix Christian: It is up to us parents on how to guide them the right way.
Netflix Christian: do you just want your kids watched any movies on the tv?
You: You would not let your daughter be in that movie, I'm sure.
You: I'll leave you with a quote: "But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea." That's Jesus talking. Matthew 18:6
Netflix Christian: Here's the thing
Netflix Christian: i believe in god but how come the holy one's are the most sinful one's?
You: Everyone is sinful
Netflix Christian: we are the image and likeness of god but that depends on how you live your life.
You: We are all sinful and all need forgiveness or else we go to hell
Netflix Christian: Do you believe in heaven or hell?
You: Heaven and hell are real
Netflix Christian: regardless if its real or not, no one went back
You: Exactly. You don't get a second chance. Once you die then there's judgment. That's why you should repent of your sin and ask Jesus to forgive You: You: I will recommend a site: [non-Netflix link blocked]
You: It's blocking me. the site is k g o v [dot] com . Anyway, thanks for the chat. I do hope you find a better job soon, and more important that you turn to Jesus.