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Nesia is a peace of scum bad script kiddy bitch boy he is grabbing IPS and is using the tool to be malicious He is DDoSing People on a game l4d2 for no reason he is also spreading false rumors about streamers syaing how they a repedos when they aren't 
Heres his steam information :>
SteamID = STEAM_1:0:484333512

SteamID3 = [U:1:968657024]

Steam Community = 76561196928932752

Invoked On = 2024-03-07 Time 01:31:30

reason sir says: Edgy teen that loves going way too far after learning of peoples personal situations. Also an enjoyer of DDoSing players etc.


banned by admin: SirPlease            

he lives in the Bronx
His Steam information
[ GAMERTAG  == Nesia ==                ]
[ Old Main ]
[ twitch https://www.twitch.tv/nesiaez ]
[ BIO == EX comp player 
Just a genuine menace who speaks the truth ]

Comment for Nesia :3
Nesia If your reading this just know your a peace of Scum Script kiddy Your a Waste of sperm get fucked buddy your 
in your mid adult hood already causing problems for everyone what's up with that buddy i dont even need an answear to that
your gonna try to kiss me :> weird ass bitch
