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alias: Neon, StinkyKid27, StinkyN1gga
Reason for dox: retard incel who thinks he's the shit (II retard)
NAME: Quinlan Christophere Neubauer
DAD: Christopher W Neubauer
MOM: Erin J Neubauer
ADDRESS: 2624 Knoxville Ave,Long Beach, CA 90815
EAMIL: qcneubauer@gmail.com
DAD'S EMAIL: cwneubauer@yahoo.com
MOM'S EMAIL: ejneubauer@yahoo.com
SCHOOL: Millikan High School
DADS FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/cwneubauer
MOMS FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ejneubauer
NEON'S FACE: https://imgur.com/a/IcMRImp
DAD'S FACE: https://imgur.com/a/0TD6pVT 
FAMILY PICTURE: https://imgur.com/a/Z7zXR5q
SCHOOL WEBSITE: https://lbmillikan.schoolloop.com/
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(a lot of shit I haven't gone through)
FAMILY BLOG: https://neubauerfamily.blogspot.com/ (so much funny shit here)
DAD'S PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/cwneubauer/
ALL OF HIS DAD'S SHIT: https://www.mediafire.com/file/3nk1rpkk1ablvm8/Christopher_W_Neubauer-7090e39e93edffb.pdf/file 
(a lot of useful info here ^)
Remember who owns you doggy
============================ QUINNIE PACK ====================================
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