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Name: Ned Armstrong Luke
DOB: 10/04/58
Age: 65
Address: 880 The Circle Lawrenceville Georgia 30043
Phone Number: 914-215-0954
Country: United States
Criminal History: https://www.judyrecords.com/record/g68gf6yb92d. Retard assaulted someone and got charged LMAO
Known For: Being the Actor for Michael Desanta in GTA V
Reason For Dox: Being a lolcow retard. His live spergouts can be viewed on his livestreams.

[Social Media]

https://kik.me/boomfatdaddy (He has a kik account for whatever reason under a different alias, this is clearly owned by him too considering its a photo of him that cant be found anywhere else online)
Archive of Kik account incase he takes it down:

[Wife's Information]

Name: Amy Luke (Formerly Sax)
Age: 61
Work: Works in real estate. Company Unknown.
Address: 880 The Circle Lawrenceville Georgia 30043
Phone Number: 914-215-0955
Country: United States

[Son's Information]

Name: Max A Luke
Age: 21
Address: 880 The Circle Lawrenceville Georgia 30043
Country: United States
Phone Number: (914) 271-2581

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