("     _   ") /""\      /"      \("      "\      /""\    (\"   \|"  \  
 )__/  \\__/ /    \    |:        |\___/   :)    /    \   |.\\   \    | 
    \\_ /   /' /\  \   |_____/   )  /  ___/    /' /\  \  |: \.   \\  | 
    |.  |  //  __'  \   //      /  //  \__    //  __'  \ |.  \    \. | 
    \:  | /   /  \\  \ |:  __   \ (:   / "\  /   /  \\  \|    \    \ | 
     \__|(___/    \___)|__|  \___) \_______)(___/    \___)\___|\____\) 
[                      Basic Information                   ]
Alias: Nebetsu, *, u/nebetsu, Nebetsu#1430 [Battlenet], id/nebetsu/ <--- [STEAM], Nebetsu#0001 [DISCORD]
Full Name: Steven Dawson                            
Age: 32'                                      
DOB: 24/08/1988
Phone Number: 
Country: Canada
Address: Tofino, BC, Canada [Recent LOG]| Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada |Birth Loc] | [Old] Small city in canada | //Confirmed IP logged his recent address | Old Addresses unclear 
Gender: Male
Race: White [Canadian]
[                        Health Issues                     ]
Mental Problems: Trauma, his grandmother abused him verbally[grades 1- 7]    
Medications: Weed                                            
Health Issues: 
[                      Social Information                  ]
Instagram:           // confirmed to have one
Twitter:   https://twitter.com/nebetsu    
Facebook:              // confirmed to have one       
MySpace: 10119746 / Pass 0xB158F46C71EF8AEC111B981A318BF71BCFA7E984           // dehashed
Email(s): nebetsu@gmail.com, nebetsu@yn.nu              

Work: Worked in a Shushi Restaurant as an Appy [Old work Place / [Actual Work Place] billing and technical support for a telecommunications company  / 

[Old Job] Worked at Burger Kings; 2751 Cliffe Ave, Courtenay, BC V9N 2L8, Canada   

fancy high-end restaurant [Old Job 2018]

Tumbler:             // confirmed to have one
Dropbox:           // confirmed to have one
Website:    None
Quotes: Never took the bus, he walked to everywhere in 2016 [The small City in canda]
[                        IP Information                    ]
IP Address: [Real IP passed the proxy check]   / [Database Dump]       // Fucking idiot gets Social Engineered so easily. 
Reverse DNS: S0106105611c0fbce.gv.shawcable.net
IP Type: Broadband, Dynamic IP
All Known IP's: 2
ISP: Shaw Communications
AS Number:6327
IP Language:English

[                       Favorite Things                    ]
Music: Play's the Keytar
Artist: Steve Dawson [Canadian Guitarist]
Food/Drink: Likes Shushi, Indian guy made him Incredible Chai, hot toddies
Video Games: Minecraft
[                Passwords & Emails                        ]
Emails; nebetsu@yn.nu / nebetsu@gmail.com

Passwords; bomberman / [H] NULL:NULL / [hashed] 9b05f329dc9db43d94f6c42edeacad70 / 

Unsure; 2004Nebber0824 / nebetsu / [H] 7aPE13BujKOj9JL72Rf2Mg== / [H] 7a5acfb2a3ae5ffe0ece704d92e94eb3941153cc /
[H] $2a$08$z5VM9LfsfPODtc2Jx9vc2u8CrxbA0qIFQMlSHfB.uNttWfmeLq5MG

[                     Additional Details                   ]
Language: Eng Canadian
Pet(s): He had a Cat & a Dog as a child.          

Additional Info
* Would name his kid Kane.
*Loves Fist guy [Discord user in the server]
* loves grey [pos ill get some info from him.]
* Worked with a Jewish guy he liked him a lot for some reason.