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Reason: Nazi piece of shit that enjoys and promotes genocide by posting the deceased rebellions who defended against Serbian invasion and genocide with their lives on X/Twitter.
This included posts mocking those who died from the Srebrenica Genocide, Kosovo Genocide, and Croatian Genocide...

Full name: Aleksandar Sasha Jovicic
DOB: 03/20/1979
Age: 45
Weight: around 240lbs as of 11/14/2024
Instagram: thegodofseo, giveitupforsasha
Linkedin: Aleksandar Sasha Jovicic
Snapchat: thegodofseo

University: Arizona State University , bachelor’s of arts, applied linguistics

LAN: subnet(default gateway). Uses (DHCP)
Street Address: 4953 SW 163rd Ave ("4953" is the building number. "SW 163rd Ave" is the street name (Southwest 163rd Avenue).)
City: Miramar
State: FL
Zip Code: 33027
Area Code (for Miramar, FL): The primary area codes are 754 and 954.
hobby: smoke cigars
Born in Serbia and immigrated to the U.S. in 1991 (12yrs old at the time)
Business1: bulletproofinc.co (registered with godaddy.com, uses WordPress)
Cloud service provider: vultrusercontent.com
Email: info@bulletproofinc.co
Business Address: 6721 NW 36th Ave. Hialeah, FL 33147
Business1 Instagram: bulletproof_inc.fl
Business1 LinkedIn: bulletproofinc
Business2: executive-digital.com (registered with namecheap.com)(also his main source of income)
Instagram: executivedigital
Facebook: Executive Digital
X: theexecdigital
Youtube: Executive-digital
Pinterest: theexecdigital 
Cars Owned:
(2017 Lincoln Navigator.
Tag: 64D-PNN)
Wifes Name: Mila Jovicic
Website: modadesign.com (registered with godaddy.com)
Wifes business Instagram: modadesigndistrict
Wifes brothers name: Milos Miladinovic
Instagram: miladinovic.m993
Father: Jovan Jovičić
DOB: Thursday August 25, 1949
Age: 75
Status: Alive
DOB: April 25
Status: Alive
Son: Ardijas Jovicic
DOB: 11/05/2013
(did Karate(yellow belt) and Muay Thai(red belt)
Daughter: Andjela Jovicic
DOB: 05/20/2022
Niece: Aleksandra

Marko Stojakovic
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