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Nayman Jumaah is a 23 year old Arab pedophile who frequents League of Legends and
RuneScape Discord servers for underage girls. After he was exposed for being an utter
creep, it turned out that this sort of behavior is a common occurrence of his.


Name: 					Nayman Kais Jumaah
Age: 					23 years old
Birthday: 				Jan 1998
Location: 				Wixom, Michigan
School: 				Eastern Michigan University
Email:					blackzamorak@gmail.com
Prev. PW:				derdader2
Address: 				2811 Pheasant Run East Dr.
						Wixom, MI 48393

======================================[Social Media]======================================

Discord:				copycat#2316
Discord ID:				443601650113052673
Snapchat:				nayindahood
Instagram: 				https://www.instagram.com/jumaahnayman/
LinkedIn: 				https://www.linkedin.com/in/nayman-jumaah-5b1093201/		
Steam:					https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198085538804/
League of Legends: 		        Nayman, Hemomancer, Knife and Roar
BattleTag:				sus#11648
Known Online Handles:	                Nayman, chonk, free tayk, iraqi neanderthal type beat


Father: 				Kais Jumaah
Mother:					Anita S Jumaah


Face Imgur Album:		        https://imgur.com/a/7DU6EfL
Nude Imgur Album:		        https://imgur.com/a/O25sFiB


VoterRecords: 			        https://voterrecords.com/voter/72075371/nayman-jumaah
YouTube Video: 			        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLgPvgvvy8o
