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Люди не знают, когда остановиться.
Вы думали, что вы были жестким.
А потом тебя трахнули.
Получить пощечину.

║              Table Of Contents               ║
║                                              ║
║             0x1- Introduction                ║
║             0x2- Family Info                 ║
║             0x3- House Info                  ║
║             0x4- Final Message               ║
║                                              ║
║             P.S: This girl molested          ║
║             the same person multiple         ║
║             times, and refuses to            ║
║             acknowledge it. Feel free        ║
║             to spam her socials and          ║
║             make her life hell. I don't      ║
║             usually condone it, but go       ║
║             ahead this time.                 ║                                              
║                                              ║
║                                              ║

║│││ │ ├┬┘│ │
╩┘└┘ ┴ ┴└─└─┘
║ Teagen, your cop dad can't save you from everything ║
║ Next time you decide to make death threats and say  ║
║  you can have me killed, you better think real hard ║
║  about what might happen next. You aren't harmful,  ║
║  and your dad sure as fuck isn't either. This shit  ║
║  is all legal, come at me bitch.                    ║         

╔═╗┌─┐┌┬┐┬┬ ┬ ┬  ╦┌┐┌┌─┐┌─┐
╠╣ ├─┤│││││ └┬┘  ║│││├┤ │ │
╚  ┴ ┴┴ ┴┴┴─┘┴   ╩┘└┘└  └─┘
║ Name: Teagen Nash                                   ║
║ Occupation: Teacher Assistant                       ║
║ School: Mineral Wells High School                   ║
║ School Club: Marching Band                          ║
║ Phone Number: (940) 463-5611                        ║
║ Birthday: December 5th, 2002                        ║
║ Snapchat:haiitstea                                  ║
║ Tumblr:itsanotherlesbian                            ║
║ Instagram: hai.its.tea                              ║
║ Address:308 Se 18th St, Mineral Wells, TX 76067-7057║
║ Name: Simon Nash                                               ║
║ Occupation: Police Officer                                     ║
║ Phone Number: (940) 463-5634                                   ║
║ Facebook: Simon A Nash                                         ║
║ Age: 41                                                        ║
║ Address: Address:308 Se 18th St, Mineral Wells, TX 76067-7057  ║
║ Picture 1: https://gyazo.com/c74fda0e2b1b69750c07ece7e45f8717  ║
║ Picture 2:https://gyazo.com/4d2e95f785e3f312b30667003cdf16e7   ║
║ Mom: Dead as fuck lmao║
║ Brother: Graduated High School,    ║
║ Hasn't done shit since. No phone   ║
║ or employment history to be found. ║

╔═╗┬┌┐┌┌─┐┬    ╔╦╗┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐
╠╣ ││││├─┤│    ║║║├┤ └─┐└─┐├─┤│ ┬├┤ 
╚  ┴┘└┘┴ ┴┴─┘  ╩ ╩└─┘└─┘└─┘┴ ┴└─┘└─┘
║ Next time you decide to make threats,               ║
║ consider what the other person is capable of.       ║
║ Your dad can't save you now, and your mom is nowhere║
║ to be seen. Next time, don't make threats you can't ║ 
║ hold up to. Have fun knowing your info is out there.║