NarviousWolf/MrCuddles has groomed atleast one minor along with his boyfriend who has also groomed at least one.
Google drive of this information being proven:

Narviouswolf’s/MrCuddle’s Information:
Discord: Narviouswolf (1226023601791176815)
TeleGram: @NarviousWolf (6194937746)

Austen Murphy 
Current/Last known residency :7309 Stonecliff Dr, APT 4, Raleigh, NC 27615-7726 
Went to South Granville High School 
Last known job was a Cashier at a restaurant 
Brittany Murphy
Daniel Murphy
Natalie Murphy
Rhonda Murphy
Alma Murphy
Brandon Clark
Donna Murphy
George Murphy |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
People associated with Narviouswolf:
Bobby Morgan
Grace Cooper
Jason Wheeler
Jessica Harvey
Mabel Williams
Robert Vaughn
Sharlett Wilson
Jamey Kennedy 
One of Narviouswolf’s emails 

Wolfvr/Narviouswolf’s boyfriend
Discord: wolfvr011 (1226023601791176815)
Telegram: wolfvr01 (6349635505)

Wayne Peace
Current/Last known residency :188 Old Us Highway 270 E, Hartshorne, OK 74547-5010
Haven Peace
Tosha Peace
Tracey English
Bette English
Charlene Crawford
Charles Trover
Charles Trover
Cheryl Bernardi
Cynthia English

People associated with WolfVR:
David English
Janet Hugle
Rodney Hugle
Terri Smith
Darla Holt
Joseph Holt
Lauada Kitchell
Leo Fry
Linda Fry
One of Wolfvr’semails
