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|                      Table of contents                        | 
|      0x01  Personal Information.....................          |
|      0x02  IP Information...........................          |
|      0x03  House Information........................          |	
|      0x03  Social Media.............................          |	
|                    0x01  Personal Information                 |
Name.................... Naomi roks
Gender.................. Female
Age..................... 15
Instagram............... naomiroks
Photos.................. https://prnt.sc/t7byra https://prnt.sc/t7bywo https://prnt.sc/t7byzc
Discord................. naoms#8819
|                    0x02  IP Information                       |
Current IP Address.....
Log....................Mozilla5.0 (Linux; Android 9; SM-A105FN) AppleWebKit537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome81.0.4044.111 Mobile Safari537.36
Decimal:.......	1422269987
Hostname:......	84-198-30-35.access.telenet.be
ASN:...	6848
ISP:...	Telenet
|                    0x03  House Information                    |
Continent:.....	Europe
Country:.......	Belgium be 
State/Region:..	Antwerp Province
City:..	Mortsel
Latitude:......	51.1663  (51° 9′ 58.68″ N)
Longitude:.....	4.4729  (4° 28′ 22.44″ E)
Postal Code:...	2640
|                      	Random Shit							    
....................... This kid was toxic.......................
....................... So it was time...........................
....................... Doxed by abdel...........................
|                     		  Bye   		                    