│                                           │
│           >[Table Of Contents]<           │
│ →0x01 Introduction........................|
│ →0x02 Address.............................|
│ →0x03 Basic Information...................│
│ →0x04 Family Information..................│
│ →0x05 House Infomation....................│
│ →0x06 Phone Password......................│
│ →0x07 House Price.........................|
│ →0x08 DOB.................................|
│ →0x09 Credits.............................│
│                                           │

<!> Dont Mess With The Wrong People <!>

<           0x01 >[Introduction:]<         >

Welcome to a day of the life of a girl called      nadia hunik she swat random people,
  Sends mass reports and sells fake paypal logs.

0x02  Address: 24 Bently St Rotherham S60 2JJ
0x03  Name: Nadia Hunik
0x04  Moms Name: Dont know
0x04  Dads Name: Dont know
0x05  House Information: 2010-01-04T03:10:4
0x06  Phone Password : ( Kinda Weird ) 040911
0x07  House Price : £78,000 - £117,000
0x08  DOB : 9th April

|            0x09 >[Credits:]<            |
|                                         |
|              Doxbin credit              |
|                                         |
|       volumez#5913 : Depends#0001       |
|                                         |