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        \/        \/      |__|       \/         \/         \/        \/               \/ 
I'm back, be aware...

update cuz I found up some more news

Whore herself

Name: Natalia Monika "Nuśka"
Surname: Walczak Steil (steil is not 100% sure as real one)
You can found her here: https://discord.gg/milosc
Phone: +48 516 490 655
Pesel: 052218????? (the first 6 is based on date of birth, the rest was 99% fake so it's not longer here)
Date of Birth: 18.02.2005 (19 in 2024)
Address: Poland, 68-100 Żagań, Parkowa 31/4
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/natalia.steil.758737
Instagram: https://instagram.com/_natalia_lm
Discord: nusieknsk
Discord ID: 1104464483704901763
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@hhiihgjkkjhggbkk
Snapchat: natalia_nusia
School's Address: Poland, 68-100 Żagań, Pomorska 7

At the moment her fav boy is t.n.h (id: 537322333489201152)
She was flirting for so long with boy known as "neksoss" (id: 286889218431647745), named Jakub (Jacob). Not any specific info about him expect that he is 17 this year.
She paid ~100$ to be the "un-official" CEO of a fucking DC server XD (.gg/milosc)
You want to flirt with her? If you are from 17 to 19 yo, just talk with her. It would go by its own way, but don't look up for any real feelings. lmfao
xoxo ~kr4snolvd (id: 1195537938713428019)