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           |   |  root@Raped:~# Loading Info...          |    |                                                                                                               |   _--    |       |
           |   |                                         |    |                                                                                            Hey Retard,       _| =-.    |.-.    |
           |   |_________________________________________|    |                                                                                           how does it feel    o|/o/       _.   |
           |                                                  |                                                                                              to get ran?      /  ~          \ |
            \_________________________________________________/                                                                                                             (____@)  ___~    |
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                       /''''''''''(______O] ----------____  \______/]_  .   .   .   .   . GET UR DOOR KICKED DOWN
    __...---'"""\_ --''   Q                               ___________@                       DONT BE A FEDERAL INFORMANT NEXTIME
|'''                   ._   _______________=---------""""""" 
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					      ,--.,--.  ,--.,--------.,------.  ,-----. ,------.  ,--. ,--. ,-----.,--------.,--. ,-----. ,--.  ,--. 
					      |  ||  ,'.|  |'--.  .--'|  .--. ''  .-.  '|  .-.  \ |  | |  |'  .--./'--.  .--'|  |'  .-.  '|  ,'.|  | 
					      |  ||  |' '  |   |  |   |  '--'.'|  | |  ||  |  \  :|  | |  ||  |       |  |   |  ||  | |  ||  |' '  | 
					      |  ||  | `   |   |  |   |  |\  \ '  '-'  '|  '--'  /'  '-'  ''  '--'\   |  |   |  |'  '-'  '|  | `   | 
					      `--'`--'  `--'   `--'   `--' '--' `-----' `-------'  `-----'  `-----'   `--'   `--' `-----' `--'  `--' 

                                      ◤                                                                                                                   ◥
					             ✗ → Distribution Of Child Pornography
                                                     ✗ → Sexual Harassment
					             ✗ → Egotistical
                                                     ✗ → Overweight / Mexican
		                                     ✗ → Roleplay Hacker
                                                     ✗ → 0DAY BANDIT

					          James Adrian Liztar is your standard egotistical minecraft player who suffers from morbid obesity. Not 
                                                  only that, but he claims undoxability, but these are just some factors that come into play. 

                                                  Aside from that, he is a federal informant and a 24/7 ic3 report submitter for attention 
                                                  he flexxes "fed" fucking other people when he can barely make a swat call himself

                                                  This submissive little freak's god complex should diminish after this paste surfaces, 
                                                  If you're reading this? Just know you'll always remain inferior compared to me.
                                                  *Disclaimer* He resides in Canada, which made it harder to find certain things.
                                      ◣                                                                                                                   ◢ 

                                            ◤                                                                                                    ◥                                             
                                                                        0x01  Introduction.............................         
                                                                        0x02  Personal Information.....................          
                                                                        0x03  School Information.......................         
                                                                        0x04  Family Members Info......................         
                                                                        0x05  IP Information...........................         
                                                                        0x06  Medical Information......................         
                                                                        0x07  Socials..................................         
                                                                        0x08  User Dumps...............................         
                                                                        0x09  Criminal Records.........................         
                                                                        0x10  Social Media Accounts....................         
                                                                        0x11  Extras...................................         
                                                                        0x12  Credits..................................         
                                            ◣                          ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔              ◢                                                                

                 /  . -  \    "Life is neither good or evil,
                 \       /     but a place for good and evil."
           .-""-.,:.-_-.<                                                 ,--.   ,--.,--. ,-----.,--------.,--.,--.   ,--.
          /    _; , / ).|                                                  \  `.'  / |  |'  .--./'--.  .--'|  ||   `.'   | 
          \  ; / `  `"  '\                                                  \     /  |  ||  |       |  |   |  ||  |'.'|  | 
           '.-| ;-.____, |             .,                                    \   /   |  |'  '--'\   |  |   |  ||  |   |  |    
               \ `._~_/ /             /"/                                     `-'    `--' `-----'   `--'   `--'`--'   `--'
  ,.           /`-.__.-'\`-._     ,",' ;                                 
  \"\         / /|   o   \._ `-._; /  ./-.                             ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
   ; ';,     / / |    `__ \ `-.,( /  //.-'
  :\  \\;_.-" ;  |.-"`    ``\    /-. /.-'                               ✗ Personal Information   
   :\  .\),.-'  /      }{    |   '..'                                   ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
     \ .-\     |          , /                                           NAME.................... James Adrian Liztar (OBESE FAG)
               ( __ `;--;'__`                                           RACE.................... Mexican / Latino
              `//'`    `||`                                             IRL..................... https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/837191387190657044/837986198953787402/in_a_chair.png (PIC FROM 2 YEARS AGO)
             _//        || 						NUMBER.................. [+] 305-336-5473
     .-"-._,(__)      .(__).-""-.				    	                         [+] 954-584-9573
    /          \     /           \					ADDRESS................. 17 Arcade Dr, Toronto, ON M9P 2V8 | MLS #W5087174
    \          /     \           /					OCCUPATION.............. Competitive IC3 Reporter (Future Fat Ass Gamer)    
     `'--=="--`       `--""==--'`                                       USERNAME(S)............. Casino, Novacane, Nova, Adrian 
                                                                        EMAIL(S)................ - casino@protonmail.com
												 - casino@terrorist.lol
                                                                                                 - itamoomoo@gmail.co
											         (of course u use courvix u faggot)
                                                                        COMMON PASSWORD(S)..... [-] eran789
											        [-] liztasq1!21
                                                                                                [-] cas1n0#123?
                                                                           ,---.   ,-----.,--.  ,--. ,-----.  ,-----. ,--.    
                                                                          '   .-' '  .--./|  '--'  |'  .-.  ''  .-.  '|  |    
                                                                          `.  `-. |  |    |  .--.  ||  | |  ||  | |  ||  |    
                                                                          .-'    |'  '--'\|  |  |  |'  '-'  ''  '-'  '|  '--. 
                                                                          `-----'  `-----'`--'  `--' `-----'  `-----' `-----'                                     
                                                                       ✗ School Info      
                                                                       SCHOOL NAME............. Cuthbertson High School Waxhaw
                                                                       SCHOOL ADDRESS.......... 125 La Rose Ave, Etobicoke, ON M9P 1A6, Canada
                                                                       SCHOOL NUMBER........... +1 416-393-5384
                                                                       SCHOOL WEBSITE.......... https://www.tcdsb.org/schools/stdemetrius/Pages/default.aspx
                                                                       PRINCIPAL............... Lily Hordienko (416-222-8282)
                                                                       VICE PRINCIPAL.......... Markus de Domenico (Ward 02)
                                                                       PIC OF SCHOOL........... https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/838070162443730994/838145977848168479/unknown.png
                                                                       GPA.................... 2.445 <---------------------------- DUMBASS ALERT
                                                                       Credits................ 11.252 
                                                                       Class 1................ Algebra 1
                                                                                            Teacher: Alexander Havin
                                                                                            Rm: 221
                                                                                            8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
                                                                        Class 2................ The Summit
                                                                                            Teacher: Dayzie D,
                                                                                            Rm: 182
                                                                                            9:05 AM - 10:10 AM
                                                                        Class 3................ Geometry
                                                                                            Teacher: Carl Lowe L.
                                                                                            Rm: 132
                                                                        Quarter 1 Semester 1 Report card
                                                                                  ↪ 182-5 English 3       [Villerot, Amanda L]              Grade C/70*
                                                                                  ↪ 221-1 Algebra 1       [Alexander Havin]                 Grade A/100*
                                                                                  ↪ 132-2 Geometry        [Carl Lowe L.]                    Grade A/100*
                                                                                  ↪ 402-6 World History   [Isenberg, Nathan/ Whitt, A.]     Grade B/85*

                                                                            ,------. ,---.  ,--.   ,--.,--.,--.,--.   ,--. 
                                                                           |  .---'/  O  \ |   `.'   ||  ||  | \  `.'  /  
                                                                           |  `--,|  .-.  ||  |'.'|  ||  ||  |  '.    /   
                                                                           |  |`  |  | |  ||  |   |  ||  ||  '--. |  |    
                                                                            --'   `--' `--'`--'   `--'`--'`-----' `--'                      


                                                                       ✗ Family Information      
                                                                         ( FATHER )
                                                                        NAME.................... Eric Robert Noel
                                                                        AGE/D.O.B............... 03/24/???? (37?)
                                                                        RACE.................... Mexican / Latino
                                                                        ADDRESS................. 17 Arcade Dr, Toronto, ON M9P 2V8 | MLS #W5087174
                                                                        OCCUPATION.............. Construction Industry                                                   
                                                                        USERNAME(S)............. EricNOAL12
                                                                        EMAIL(S)................ - Zinger.a89@gmail.com
											         - EricN289@gmail.com

                                                                        COMMON PASSWORD(S)..... [-] ENoel121
											        [-] N/A LOOKING FOR MORE
                                                                        NUMBER(S).............. 0x6: (704)354-9350 [Dads]
                                                                                                0x7: (704)583-1551
                                                                                                0x8: (704)847-5580
                                                                         ( MOTHER )
                                                                        NAME.................... Krystine Marie Liztar
                                                                        AGE/D.O.B............... Age 41
                                                                        RACE.................... Latimo
                                                                        ADDRESS................. 17 Arcade Dr, Toronto, ON M9P 2V8 | MLS #W5087174
                                                                        OCCUPATION.............. Kindergarden Teacher
                                                                        USERNAME(S)............. Liz.Krystine1980
                                                                        EMAIL(S)................ - LiztarKMARIE1@gmail.com
												 - DiamondJewels@yopmail.com
                                                                                                 - KK5Kindergarden@ca.com
                                                                        COMMON PASSWORD(S)..... [-] Kryst1neFA2S!?12
											        [-] 443155121 (Kindergarden DB Leak)
                                                                        NUMBER(S).............. 0x1: (305)336-5473
                                                                                                0x2: (256)724-7010 [Work Phone]
                                                                                                0x3: (305)981-0122
                                                                                                0x4: (954)584-9573 [Spam]

                                                                           ,--.,------.     ,--.,--.  ,--.,------. ,-----.  
                                                                           |  ||  .--. '    |  ||  ,'.|  ||  .---''  .-.  ' 
                                                                           |  ||  '--' |    |  ||  |' '  ||  `--, |  | |  | 
                                                                           |  ||  | --'     |  ||  | `   ||  |`   '  '-'  ' 
                                                                           `--'`--'         `--'`--'  `--'`--'     `-----'  

                                                                       ✗ IP Information     
                                                                        IP(s).................. (PHONE CURRENT IP)
                                                                                                   ↪ (MOST RECENT)
                                                                                                   ↪ (Feb-Apr 2019)
                                                                        ISP.................... Charter Communications Inc
                                                                         Up/Downstream Providers 
                                                                            | bu-ether12.vinnva0510w-bcr00.tbone.rr.com (
                                                                            |__ ae-2-0.c1.chi75.tbone.rr.com (           
                                                                            | ge-3-0-0.cr0.sea20.tbone.rr.com (          
                                                                            |__ be2.clevohek01r.midwest.rr.com (         
                                                                            |__ so-0-0-0.ar0.cdp01.tbone.rr.com (        
                                                                            | be1.lsvqkydb01r.midwest.rr.com (        
                                                                            | ae1.bwlgky6801h.netops.charter.com (      
                                                                            | tge7-0.bwlgky6807m.swo.rr.com (            
                                                                            |-> CURRENT ENDPOINT

                                                                           ,--.   ,--.,------.,------.  ,--. ,-----.  ,---.  ,--.    
                                                                           |   `.'   ||  .---'|  .-.  \ |  |'  .--./ /  O  \ |  |    
                                                                           |  |'.'|  ||  `--, |  |  \  :|  ||  |    |  .-.  ||  |    
                                                                           |  |   |  ||  `---.|  '--'  /|  |'  '--'\|  | |  ||  '--. 
                                                                           `--'   `--'`------'`-------' `--' `-----'`--' `--'`-----' 

                                                                       ✗ Medical Information  
                                                                         Hepatitis A Vaccine.... (NON-COMPLIANT) (NOT TAKEN)
                                                                         Hepatitis B Vaccine.... (NON-COMPLIANT) (NOT TAKEN)
                                                                         Meningococcal.......... (NON-COMPLIANT) (NOT TAKEN)
                                                                         DTaP, DTP]............ (COMPETED)
                                                                         Haemophilus influenza.. (COMPLIANT)
                                                                         Measles-Mumps Rubella.. (COMPLIANT)
                                                                         Polio [IPV, OPV]....... (COMPLIANT)
                                                                         Varicella.............. (COMPLIANT)
                                                                         Pneumococcal.......... (NO REQUIREMENT)
                                                                         Tdap.................. (NO REQUIREMENT)

                                                                         Common Passwords....... Z39EtnNFh7WNPtZ
                                                                         Common Passwords....... aeiRaJKr6a9Rfib
                                                                         Common Passwords....... ".!:JK*f\YR""S.8+g"
                                                                         Common Passwords....... mrf8XkeSXvwzxLE
                                                                         Common Passwords....... 4RdKxnrGJupQ7Du
                                                                         Common Passwords....... xHCRcySNSD57744
                                                                         Common Passwords....... dqGqD3pvjDCY4g2
                                                                         Common Passwords....... Ge8}jktX>ThD3-]w
                                                                         Common Passwords....... galinwe321
                                                                         Common Passwords....... "5x;3cMeD?jd>\rm48[mM""d8R}"
                                                                         Common Passwords....... $rGKRc86~*2k`]2=f2$H
                                                                         Common Passwords....... kt4fGzuGtEagADM
                                                                         Common Passwords....... addidas2907
                                                                         Common Passwords....... (THERES MORE I JUST CANT BE FUCKED)

                                                                            ,---.   ,-----.  ,-----.,--.  ,---.  ,--.    ,---.   
                                                                           '   .-' '  .-.  ''  .--./|  | /  O  \ |  |   '   .-'  
                                                                           `.  `-. |  | |  ||  |    |  ||  .-.  ||  |   `.  `-.  
                                                                           .-'    |'  '-'  ''  '--'\|  ||  | |  ||  '--..-'    | 
                                                                           `-----'  `-----'  `-----'`--'`--' `--'`-----'`-----'  
                                                                       ✗ Social Media Accounts     
                                                                        ( James's SOCIALS )
                                                                        DISCORD................ -casino#0001 (DISCORD ID: 742600677154619464)
                                                                        TWITTER................ -https://twitter.com/casinobtw
                                                                        NAMEMC................. -https://namemc.com/profile/casinoonmc
                                                                        SNAPCHAT............... -https://snapchat.com/add/s1casino
                                                                        TELEGRAM............... -https://t.me/s1casino
                                                                        XBOX................... -https://www.xboxgamertag.com/search/Purple_Skull
                                                                        SPOTIFY................ -https://open.spotify.com/user/3p1se8sfc0r8x2j26z1dslsm0
                                                                        ( DAD'S SOCIALS )
                                                                        FACEBOOK................ -https://www.facebook.com/EricRobert.1982
                                                                        SKYPE................... -skype://live:alexsrub?chat
                                                                        ( MOM'S SOCIALS )
                                                                        FACEBOOK................ -https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100228683694756                                                                                                                               

                                                                           ,--. ,--. ,---.  ,------.,------.     ,------.  ,--. ,--.,--.   ,--.,------.  
                                                                           |  | |  |'   .-' |  .---'|  .--. '    |  .-.  \ |  | |  ||   `.'   ||  .--. ' 
                                                                           |  | |  |`.  `-. |  `--, |  '--'.'    |  |  \  :|  | |  ||  |'.'|  ||  '--' | 
                                                                           '  '-'  '.-'    ||  `---.|  |\  \     |  '--'  /'  '-'  '|  |   |  ||  | --'  
                                                                            `-----' `-----' `------'`--' '--'    `-------'  `-----' `--'   `--'`--'      

                                                                        (Email / User Dumps) // this will possibly include emails and usernames i havent included above / raw pastes i dont want to sort :/
                                                                        //dont wanna sort this shit lmfao :D

                                                                        example: # of leaks Email:Password Source or # of leaks Username:Password Source
                                                                        leaks           Data                          Source

                                                                        1	Zinger.a89@gmail.com:okthen00	Unknown	
                                                                        1	Zinger.a89@gmail.com:okthen10	Fling.com	2011-03

                                                                        3	wsimard@yahoo.com:cascades	Evony.com, Collection 1, MySpace.com	2019-01
                                                                        2	wsimard@earthlink.net:outside	Last.fm, Evite.com	2013-08
                                                                        1	Zinger.a89@cox.net:outside44	MySpace.com	2008-07
                                                                        1	wsimard@earthlink.net:outside44	MySpace.com	2008-07
                                                                        1	LiztarKMARIE1@gmail.com:Cascades01	Unknown	
                                                                        1	wsimard@nycap.rr.com:martha	MySpace.com	2008-07
                                                                        1	LiztarKMARIE1@gmail.com:cascadesa1	Unknown	

                                                                           ,------.,--.   ,--.,--------.,------.   ,---.   ,---.   
                                                                           |  .---' \  `.'  / '--.  .--'|  .--. ' /  O  \ '   .-'  
                                                                           |  `--,   .'    \     |  |   |  '--'.'|  .-.  |`.  `-.  
                                                                           |  `---. /  .'.  \    |  |   |  |\  \ |  | |  |.-'    | 
                                                                           `------''--'   '--'   `--'   `--' '--'`--' `--'`-----'  
                                                                        ✗ Extras     
                                                                        JAMES'S DAD ADDED ME
                                                                        *Originally, I had jacked into his spotify account and saw his
                                                                        billing information, which was the same exact address that showed
                                                                        up in the results for his parents, but I lost the ss :(
                                                                        *Put the confirmation considering he lives in CA, had to let you
                                                                        guys know it's accurate >_<
                                                                        COMPUTER BUILD: 
                                                                        CASE: NZXT Phantom 530
                                                                        CPU: AMD Ryzen™ 7 5800X 3.8GHz Octa-Core
                                                                        MOTHERBOARD: ASRock B550 Phantom Gaming 4 - ATX
									SD: 2x 8GB Patriot DDR4-2666 Total 16GB Dual Channel Memory
									RAM: 2x16GB HyperX Predator 2400MHz
                                                                        GPU: NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 2060 6GB

                                                                            ,-----.,------. ,------.,------.  ,--.,--------. ,---.   
                                                                           '  .--./|  .--. '|  .---'|  .-.  \ |  |'--.  .--''   .-'  
                                                                           |  |    |  '--'.'|  `--, |  |  \  :|  |   |  |   `.  `-.  
                                                                           '  '--'\|  |\  \ |  `---.|  '--'  /|  |   |  |   .-'    | 
                                                                            `-----'`--' '--'`------'`-------' `--'   `--'   `-----'  
                                                                        ✗ Credits     
     _  __)\____________________________________/7_
    (//   )))))                                   `\||   .   .   .   .   .   .   . IT MAY BE THE END BUT NOT FOR LONG
     /   (((((                                      )`                                   FEDERAL AGENTS GET WHAT THEY DESERVE
     \   ________ ______________________________/
      ) /#######/ )\  /     )/
     / /##(\)##/ /  \(     //     
    / /#######( (\______.ad`
   / /#########) )------``
  / /#########/ /
 / /###(/)###/ /
( (#########/ (

 SS:::::::::::::::SM:::::::M             M:::::::M   OO:::::::::OO   K:::::::K    K:::::KE::::::::::::::::::::ED::::::::::::DDD          E::::::::::::::::::::EM:::::::M             M:::::::M
S:::::SSSSSS::::::SM::::::::M           M::::::::M OO:::::::::::::OO K:::::::K    K:::::KE::::::::::::::::::::ED:::::::::::::::DD        E::::::::::::::::::::EM::::::::M           M::::::::M
S:::::S     SSSSSSSM:::::::::M         M:::::::::MO:::::::OOO:::::::OK:::::::K   K::::::KEE::::::EEEEEEEEE::::EDDD:::::DDDDD:::::D       EE::::::EEEEEEEEE::::EM:::::::::M         M:::::::::M
S:::::S            M::::::::::M       M::::::::::MO::::::O   O::::::OKK::::::K  K:::::KKK  E:::::E       EEEEEE  D:::::D    D:::::D        E:::::E       EEEEEEM::::::::::M       M::::::::::M
S:::::S            M:::::::::::M     M:::::::::::MO:::::O     O:::::O  K:::::K K:::::K     E:::::E               D:::::D     D:::::D       E:::::E             M:::::::::::M     M:::::::::::M
 S::::SSSS         M:::::::M::::M   M::::M:::::::MO:::::O     O:::::O  K::::::K:::::K      E::::::EEEEEEEEEE     D:::::D     D:::::D       E::::::EEEEEEEEEE   M:::::::M::::M   M::::M:::::::M
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