So, it all started when I first met him, I bought him SOOO many things to the point where I would go broke due to me being a "good friend."

I recently told him how much he owes me "$95" and he agreed he then made me wait a month to get the $95 and is now claiming he can't do it and keeps delaying the days... (realistically he owes me around $250)

Fuck you NG.


Location Data:
IP Address:
Home Address: 7320 Kemper Drive, Duluth, GA
Host Name:
IP Range: CIDR
ISP: AT&T Services, Inc.
Organization: AT&T Corp
Country: United States of America (US)
Region: Georgia
City: Duluth
Timezone: America/New_York, GMT-0400
Local Time: 08:59:38 (EDT) / 2023.03.18
Postal Code: 30085

Hardware Info:
Mac Address: 61:6F:66:6C:75:6E
Main Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080
CPU Name: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-11400F @ 2.60GHz
CPU Max Speed: 2592 MHz
Total Installed RAM: 15 GB
Motherboard: Unknown
Harddisk Total Size: 465 GB
Harddisk Available Space: 349 GB
Harddisk Occupied Space: 116 GB

OS Info:
Windows NT Version: 6.2.9200.0
Windows Edition: Microsoft Windows 10 Home
Windows Build Number: 19045
Runner User: DESKTOP-HA4KV7F\Cooler

VPN: false
Proxy: false
Tor: false
Relay: false
Hosting: false
Service: ""


Jenny.Johnson (service.emedpractice...)
Sandra.Battle (service.emedpractice...)
Waseem.Ahmed (service.emedpractice...) (
mahmed65 (
CoolerKaiine999 (

Family Members:
Areeb Ahmed
Waseem Ahmed
Muhammed Ahmed
Huma Ahmed
Muneeb Ahmed

sorry it had to be like this, but I don't play about money.