|__________,----------._ [____] ""-,__ __...-----===" (_(||||||||||||)___________/ "" | `----------' Krogg98[ ))"-, | "" `, _,--...___ | `/ """ GET REKT NFJ9000 YOU LOSER PEDOPHILE!!! You think youre a bigshot showing your dick on +18 4chan servers but everyone knows youre a pedophile and a molester Kill yourself fat fuck loser, fucking gypsy. Romanian scum. You are not cool, noone respects you and youre a faggot who needs constant attention. Go take your pills and drink your beer, fat fuck. Full Name: Issac Vladut Marko Gender: Male (but a faggot in reality) Age: 24 Discord Name: NFJ9000#6015 Instagram: IVMofficial22 or NFJ9000 His hacked Steam Account (What an idiot): Steam Account: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198448604998/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marco.isac.7 IP: 2a02:2f09:3802:a00:a803:8fc0:42ab:2f3 Another IP: ZIP Code: 300254 Longitude: 45.764959453255095 Latitude: 21.228433168473487 Country: Romania County: Timis City: Timisoara Street: Piața Consiliul Europei Full Adress: Piața Consiliul Europei nr. 2, Timișoara