INTRO: Meet Chris Johnson of Newington CT New England! He is currently 47 years old and is a divorced no-life who likes to call people "losers" Despite being divorced and likely on welfare taking YOUR money. He has a daughter he probably molests on weekends and spends most of his useless time on reddit trying to get "barely legal" pussy. He is most likely a pedophile. he is very very VERY VERYYYYYY R E T A R D E D. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INFO TIME! :) Full Name: Christopher Johnson Address: 708 Church St Apt 2 Newington, CT 06111-5509 Phone Number: 203-804-1490 Reddit Account: Photos (with dick pic): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bye! Regards - J & B OPERATION ANCHOR 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~