
$~> timothy.o.johnson@nasa.gov:toj122163
$~> shanna.e.ohara@nasa.gov:mark05
$~> sherry.r.johnson@nasa.gov:pma65srj
$~> stanikinfojeff.hamilton@nasa.gov:stanik84
$~> swashington@nasa.gov:scrappy
$~> swashington@nasa.gov:scrappyjlgraham.ramsay@gmail.com:fudge
$~> taytaytjrummel@hq.nasa.gov:usajobs
$~> thomas.dematteis@nasa.gov:youngjulee
$~> timothy.o.johnson@nasa.gov:tomaica_sablad@yahoo.com:sablad22
$~> timothy.o.johnson@nasa.gov:toj122163
$~> tracy.l.mcclough@nasa.gov:daniel
$~> kwyjijames.s.casper@nasa.gov:fire4ice
$~> walt.petersen@nasa.gov:shrfst1
$~> lukeskywalkejuntyler.j.graves1@jsc.nasa.gov:mech12345
$~> zena.m.hester@nasa.gov:garrett1
$~> annabohac:nasa.gov:011270
$~> annarkinse1nmelissa.searcy@dfrc.nasa.gov  : bjones1831
$~> my1doodlebupaul.crawford@nasa.gov:hemsi111
$~> deedeekunjbryan.walls@nasa.gov:blue2bee

Reverse engineering,  is the processes of extracting knowledge or design information from anything man-made and reproducing it or reproducing anything based.
-> https://gs580s-pubweb4.ndc.nasa.gov/
Connection on: 

Port: 7288 
Port 2: 0182
Port 3: 8882 gs580s-pubweb4.ndc.nasa.gov itos.gsfc.nasa.gov

Default scan: 
21/tcp   filtered ftp
22/tcp   filtered ssh
23/tcp   filtered telnet
80/tcp   open     http
110/tcp  filtered pop3
143/tcp  filtered imap
443/tcp  open     https
3389/tcp filtered ms-wbt-server

Administrator password: NASAshutsec
Password: 892I(NDA)(@)($*

PBKDF2_HASH_ALGORITHM: The hash function PBKDF2 uses. By default, it is SHA1 for compatibility across implementations, but you may change it to SHA256 if you don't care,
about compatibility. Although SHA1 has been cryptographically broken as a collision-resistant function, it is still perfectly safe for password storage with PBKDF2.

Italian Space Agency Government Scientific Research LEO523 553 2.17E-03 2.47 95.4  325 
-> http://agile.rm.iasf.cnr.it/    
-> http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2007/013A.HTM                                       
AIM (Aeronomy of Ice in Mesosphere) USA "Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Hampton University/NASA"      
Government Earth Science   LEO                     
586 6011.08E-03  7.79   96.55   2 Vandenberg AFB Pegasus XL 31304  Study noctilucent clouds (NLC) in the polar mesosphere.              
-> http://aim.hamptonu.edu/     
-> http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/aim/index.html 

sha1:64000:18:B6oWbvtHvu8qCgoE75wxmvpidRnGzGFt:R1gkPOuVjqIoTulWP1TABS0H - 2018 (Still not got it)
sha1:6260:18:/GO9XQOPexBFVzRjC9mcOkVEi7ZHQc0/:0mY83V5PvmkkHRR41R1iIhx/ (NASAshutsec) - 2015

hashSize is the length, in bytes, of the hash field (after decoding).
salt is the salt, base64 encoded.
hash is the PBKDF2 output, base64 encoded. It must encode hashSize bytes.

-> https://doxbin.org/upload/ConnectingNASA
Read this also!