---------- [TARGET] ----------

Target: Logan Fortin
Reason: Rapist at only 15 (Yikes). Also looks like an overdeveloped ape and thinks like one too.

---------- [INFO] ------------

Name: Logan Fortin
Age: 15
Face: https://ibb.co/dM2fXcT
Number: 514.668.7450
Address: 77 Rue Thornton, Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Quebec, Canada, H9B1X7

School: Pierrefonds Community High School
School Number: 514.626.9610
School Address: 13800 Pierrefonds Blvd, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada

---------- [FAMILY] ----------

The rest of your family is too innocent to have to deal with the consequences of what you did you fucking pig, and I respect your stepfather for trying to come into your life and clean up the fucking mess of a life you 
have, however, We will leave your mother in here since you're bitchmade and she wasted 9 months carrying a fat tub of monkey shit.

Mother's Name: Bonnie Fortin
Mother's Number: 514.685.1394
Mother's Address: 77 Rue Thornton, Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Quebec, Canada, H9B1X7
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                                                                  EXPECT WHAT YOU HAVE COMING.