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* Alright so long story short, I have a teacher that will not stop making fun of peoples parents. my dad is dead and she knows damn well that this is true and
my friend has lesbian moms, so she doesn't have a dad she had a sperm donor and every time she makes a comment about someone's dad or mom she looks at me or my 
friend and It pisses me off, and on top of that she even directly said something to me that pissed me off and I told her that it did and i made it VERY clear
that it did; I looked at my friend in class and giggled because he was making hand gestures and other shit that i thought was funny because friends are stupid
so she pulls ME out into the hallway proceeds to lecture me about how im disrupting class, though im in the back of the class nobody else was paying attention
she then says "how would your father feel about this" and thats what pissed me off. anyways enough ranting here it is.

* Current Address
 609 Goose Island Rd
 Cherry Log, GA 30522

* Phone Numbers
 (706) 276-2562 - Landline
 (706) 695-1746 - Landline
 (423) 892-0197 - Landline

* Email Addresses

* Associated Names
  Amber B Harmer, Amber Beth Burrell, Amber B Harmer Burrell, Amber H Harmer
  Previous Addresses
 458 Wingate Rd
 Ellijay, GA 30540
 (Jan 2006)
 195 Greyland Farm Rd
 Crandall, GA 30711
 (Mar 2002 - Jan 2006)
 749 Eaton Rd
 Blue Ridge, GA 30513
 (Aug 2005 - Dec 2005)

* Possible Relatives
 James S Burrell, Jennifer M Harmer, Laura T Harmer, Maria J Dover, William Albert Harmer, Andrew B Harmer, Joan R Harmer, Nancy J Harmer, Sarah M Harmer, William A Harmer, William A Harmer, Emily P Burrell, Tammy Lynn Burrell, Gregory K Burrell
* Possible Associates
 Amber Elizabeth McCollum, Bethany A Hise, Jack H Dover, James C Ray, Raysha Kenee Harvey, Simon Shabni