His name: Jacob Age: 23-24 Job: Dollar general YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ew_mysticmichael3195 Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ColeKedigia/ His girlfriend Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198881642745 His girlfriend Discord: xaliria His discord: miquellastar He lives up in Pensacola, Florida from what I’m aware. Mystic_Micheal is a pedophile has more than once admitted to being attracted to minors, he refuses to acknowledge and accept what he did wrong but doesn’t care but and only decides to apologize after having to be threatened. He’s the basic pedophile who understands it’s wrong but says such as “wait until your 18” to avoid further punishments thinking what he still did wouldn’t be issue, it definitely was. I am 16, he met me on the day of my birthday and almost immediately was being flirtatious and admitting his feelings for me, he was aware I was a minor and as my friend got on recording admitted he had feelings for me then tried excusing his behavior by saying “Well the age of consent in Japan-“ Like? Anyways after exposing him enough and his behavior he said he would kill himself because he was so low in life, he clearly was…he lived in a broken up house with roaches and holes in the wall and works at dollar general. He goes by “mystic_micheal” on a platform called VrChat, but he has explained his birth name is Jacob. I would’ve loved grabbing further personal information on him but I was limited. Later into the conversation of exposing him almost at the end he lied about the fact he said he would remove and minors after the issue and change his bio to 18+ not only did he not do that he started VENTING to the minor openly admitting he was a pedo but tried victimizing himself?! Then randomly pulled out his ass about having D.I.D saying one of his other personality’s is literally a pedo?…but refused to show papers and never mentioned his doctor/etc. getting help for him for that. He’s a nuisance and a creep.. If you want mad proof my discord is Kermity