Tricia L Mcmillen was born in June of 1975, and is now 47 years old. The astrological sign on the western zodiac calander for Tricia is Gemini ♊.

Tricia's current address is 377 Leedy Way E, Chambersburg PA 17202 in Franklin county. Tricia moved into this Chambersburg, PA address about 16 years ago, around August of 2006.

Previously, starting in July of 1992, Tricia was registered at the address 2181 Hubbard Masury Rd, Hubbard OH 44425. Our records show Tricia lived here for 24 years. Before that, starting in July of 2003, Tricia was registered with the address 1691 N Calle Rosa Dr, Pueblo West CO 81007. Our records show Tricia lived here for 17 years.

Public records show 13 other addresses associated with Tricia Mcmillen, spanning 4 states, 7 counties, and 9 cities. In Pennsylvania Tricia lived in Chambersburg, Pittsburgh, and Sharpsville. In Ohio Tricia lived in Hubbard. In Colorado Tricia lived in Pueblo West, Pueblo, Colorado Spgs, and Colorado Springs. In Florida Tricia lived in Haines City.

Tricia Mcmillen is married to John E Mcmillen, age 72. Tricia is also related to or closely associated with Aidan Mcmillen, David Bucknot, David Vandervort, Rondi Vest and Tricia Bucknot.

Tricia's latest phone number is (504) 952-5463, a Wireless number issued by New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - GA. Previous phone numbers include (717) 360-6095, (717) 504-8409 and (330) 534-1833.

Tricia is known to have used the following email addresses,,,

Contact Tricia Mcmillen at:
Address: 377 Leedy Way E, Chambersburg PA 17202
Phone: (504) 952-5463