Quick intro:
Hello my lads. My real name is Anastasija aka AnaGTheAnimator,or Ana. and this is my gf's personal info,and u can use it for whatever reason, including impersonating her/impersonation for anything, such as legal documents, like Form 4473 and passports, for e.g.  
my email address if u want to know more about her:agrozdanovska714@gmail.com
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Real name: Amanda Vega
Nickname: Amandabelle
email: amandabellevega@gmail.com
Phone number: 5613293569
street address: 10642 150th ct n
City: jupiter
State/Province: FL/Florida
Zip Code: 33478
Country: United States
Age: 23  birthday: december 18th, 2001 (close to her b-day)
Gender: she/her

her Hobbies: she likes to draw in digital and tradigital art, she's in training to do 2D animation. she makes 3D art and animations, with the program I use is called Source filmmaker only on computer. She also play video games such as splatoons, fortnite, cuphead, among us, fall guys, and more. She usually play any games alone or with her friends. She likes to listen some music, and she also play sports like golf, bowling, and soccer, and Etc.

my gf's website, along with all of her social medias: https://amandabellevega.wixsite.com/home/commissions

images of her: 

my Gf's house, I'm sorry if it's blurred out, by Google: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/783940727968104462/1175652669503848548/10642_150th_Ct_N_-_Google_Maps_-_Google_Chrome_19_11_2023_2_18_57_pm.png?ex=674ddf1e&is=674c8d9e&hm=788cee406d77f6aeb38aae3c2a2de72cc3ed4e5bf323884d3de91f27284453e9&

A Copy of of my GF's personal information in High Quality: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/783940727968104462/1175648846374785104/DeviantArt_Knowledge_Base_-_Google_Chrome_27_03_2020_10_13_33_PM.png?ex=674ddb8f&is=674c8a0f&hm=d932efaa761c3cb8df8dfc6d96320b1208a8440a57735b2e0e0ff028dad9792f&

Have a good day lads. uvvu


This may get keeping updated as time drives by, every second.