- My (dreidelmans) doxx, according to Abdulhakim Soumana!!
 - Mr. Soumana is a weird degenerate freak who begs girls online for boot pictures, especially **12 year old girls**
 - Him; @profoundly_pikachu [UID: 734864056363778229]
 - Paste on him soon, with IRLs

➔ Legal Name: Morgan Esther Hoffman
➔ Aliases: dreidelsk8, dreidel, dreidelman, dreidelstar, federal garfield, 5,000 angry garfields, mari.na, Morgan Suarez, dryercapitalistic
➔ Country: Nederlands
➔ State / Province: Noord-Holland
➔ City: Amsterdam
➔ Address: 475 Turnerstraat
➔ Zip: 1076VE
➔ Phone: +31 0646028962

➔ Height: 5'7
➔ Weight: 51 KG
➔ Gender / Sex: Female
➔ Birthdate: April 3rd, 2007
➔ SSN: 138-58-1386
➔ Hair Color: Ginger / Orange / Red
➔ Ethnicity: Dutch

➔ Credit Info
➔➔ NUM: 6011-3984-0623-4049
➔➔ EXP: 5/26
➔➔ CVV: 724
➔➔ Bank Acct Number: 5646111265116
➔➔ Routing Number: 81000566
➔➔ IBAN: US56713411327425908272152132

➔ Crypto Wallets:
➔➔ Bitcoin: https://www.blockchain.com/explorer/addresses/btc/bc1qzmfqxnv4uj7s6ku7wsdps7kfwqdyhwxzvymtcr