my abusive parents v2 ----------------------------------------------------------- names: Karla radbone Partner John porter -------------------------------------------------------------- Address 14 Imperial court ce55gn Nantwich -------------------------------------------------------------- details She has been physically and verbally abusing me for 16 years she's ruined my life and I want to get her back. do as you wish. she has 3 cars An Audio TT (black and yellow) Jeep renegade (orange) and a feat 500 (orange currently under a silver sheet) currently unemployed (trying to train to be a loyar) her partner used to work at awesome mechanics now works for the police to repair there cars. -------------------------------------------------------------- socials That Cheshire home Karla radbone John porter coopermvr ------------------------------------------------------------ How to contact me if you need any info My email (my doxbin email ^^^^ ) ----------------------------------------------------------- I have reported her but nothing has happened if you want to stalk her etc do as you wish. ----------------------------------------------------------,-2.5115904,3a,48.9y,116.62h,82.99t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s46WYSEvYRLoGgcl8Amh9MQ!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?hl=es&coh=205410&entry=ttu