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     | [-] reason [-] |
He threatens IRL and on discord and discloses his friend's personal information from the height of 1m50
     | [-] Passwords [-] |

29waizix (1093976301267853374)
Token: MTA5Mzk3NjMwMTI2Nzg1MzM3NA.G5dUsX.MN6MIg8eH-XHtDwVZJ1mcFbIm8_CPdVzz6ZLKU
Email: theotoustre@gmail.com
Phone: +33643972667

Rare Servers:
Owner | WZX - Members: 2 - No Invite
Owner | Bx' Family - Members: 42 - Join Server

wzzzz__ (698637448917549058)
Token: Njk4NjM3NDQ4OTE3NTQ5MDU4.GADTEt.D2j9p91r4Wm4Fpq0TVQe5cVQJRO_hsGadvFDuk
​Email: toustretheo@gmail.com

https://educonnect.education.gouv.fr/idp/profile/SAML2/POST/SSO  t.jordy3                              Cacaprout02@
https://www.netflix.com/login                       pierreetmimi70@gmail.com                           Theo@29092008
https://signin.rockstargames.com/signin/user-form  toustretheo@gmail.com                              Theo29092008
https://www.instagram.com/                         thvo29                                             Theo29092008!
https://www.instagram.com/                         theo8231                                           Theo29092008.
https://lordi.smile-education.fr:6082/login/       JORDYT                                             CCHLG2
https://mega.nz/register                           toustretheo@gmail.com                              Theo29092008
https://stresser.zone/login                        Waizix                                             Theo29092008_
https://accounts.google.com/v3/signin/             06 43 97 26 67                                     Theo29092008
https://signup.live.com/signup                     +330643972667                                      Theo29092008
https://signin.rockstargames.com/signin/user-form  toustretheo@gmail.com                              Theo29092008
https://www.netflix.com/login                      pierreetmimi70@gmail.com                           Theo@29092008
https://educonnect.education.gouv.fr/idp/profile/SAML2/POST/SSO t.jordy3                                           Theo29092008
https://www.instagram.com/                         theo8231                                          Theo29092008.
https://accounts.google.com/v3/signin/             toustretheo@gmail.com                              Theo29092008
https://www.instagram.com/                         thvo29                                            Theo29092008-
https://lordi.smile-education.fr:6082/login/       JORDYT                                             CCHLG2
https://accounts.google.com/v3/signin/             toustretheo@gmail.com                              Theo29092008_

 | [-] Personal informations [-] |

|[+] Prénom : Theo
|[+] Nom : Jordy
|[+] Âge : 15 ans
|[+] Taille : 1m39
 | [-] Family [-] |
|[+] Prénom Mère : myriam
|[+] Nom  : jordy 
|[+] Prénom Père : Pierre Email: pierreetmimi70@gmail.com 
|[+] Nom  : jordy
|[+] Sœur Y/N : Emma
       | [-] Informations Studies [-] |
|[+] Études : 2ND générale
|[+] Étudie à : Lycée Michelet Montauban
     | [-] IP [-] |
|[+] Ip :
|[+] Pays : France
|[+] Région : occitanie
|[+] Ville : Montauban
|[+] Code Postal : 82000
|[+] Vpn Y/N : OFF

  | [-] social network [-] |
|[+] Username TikTok : thvo29
|[+] Username Snapchat : theo_8231
|[+] Username Instagram : theo8231
|[+] Username Discord : 29Waizix

    | [-] Five M [-] | 
|[+] FiveM ID : 10624917
|[+] Licence ID : fa0e25b965fc64fed22d411133080623b246f907
|[+] Microsoft Live ID : 844426538737000

 | [-] Informations computer [-] |
:1150770899868454962: Sytem Info
Pc Name
Username : toust
 Hostname: THÉO
PC System
 OS: Microsoft Windows 11 Famille
 CPU 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-13400F
 GPU NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti
 RAM: 15.82 GB
 MAC: 30:b3:a2:16:0a:a3
 HWID 3CECCD60-8344-01DD-E94F-08BFB8780D50
 Product Key TH4GN-T267P-HW64M-R934Y-7MHX6
Drive     Free      Total     Use      
C:        441GB     930GB     52% 

 | [-] Leak [-] |
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