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Explanation :      He forces young children (between 8 and 14 years old) to do nudes and then he films himself jerking off 
                   and sends them to them even if they are against it. He has already been doxed but he continued a few months later 
                   thinking he was untouchable.

              PS:   He also created a telegram channel exposing the nudes of a young girl because she no longer wanted to make nudes for him
                     Doxbin you know what to do with these types of people


Name : Ali Sarwar
Number : +33 6 08 10 45 60 
         +33 7 66 46 20 44

Adress : 4 Rue Guynemer, 60100 Creil, France

Brothers and Sisters : -Najaf Sarwar
                       -Rayan Sarwar
                       -Isha Sarwar
                       -Oumar Sarwar

Snapchat : Biggoak47 / G_bale47
Instagram : biggoak47 

email : aliofficiel60@gmail.com 


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