__  __  ___  ____   ____ _   _ _____ 
    |  \/  |/ _ \|  _ \ / ___| | | | ____|
    | |\/| | | | | |_) | |  _| | | |  _|  
    | |  | | |_| |  _ <| |_| | |_| | |___ 
    |_|  |_|\___/|_| \_\\____|\___/|_____|

 Victim one:

Social Media:

Discord Token: ODAyODE1NTc0NzE0NDgyNzA5.GKnTEO.GFF8jImXa_sY8Cd32_fE561zywn2nCIegKmAY0
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@TBTHEICON/videos
Youtube SSID: 3F03D8D4E12561E634BECC7FE0D76050
Twitter: https://x.com/tbtheicon
Twitter Cookie: AFx_qI5Rv-2sGDA7wvb9yff1jK1wX1RFTS7N8tfVXFRLAgeg_2xGpToH5sORXPCYlDZJcmlmY8MKpsKTkbDcYFQObCcT6N1Nr51Cfyx2AqKx69LwdfprnywExo-yYvWpNDdBL8qrfNIh9QDXEEUeeBVgbQcBvjUA2Q

Reason: Pedophile Allegations Towards A Highly Reputable Doxbin Member
Punishment: Net-wide termination
Issued By: Morgue

Victim two:

Discord: Nexify44
Discord Token: W8FHLcB932CoaiHmlVxJfZGe3JXNqOClhlNRnMd3wACgYKATQSARASFQHGX2Mio6
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/nexifyy4
Twitch Cookie:  AKEyXzVIjibDLrySx4n3sMdMu089yFVMzIc_Lc8KRDUh5FlrWhLcCywB19Sverof8ngUwonCrA

Reason: Disrespect Towards A Highly Reputable Doxbin Member
Punishment: Parental Drain
Issued By: Morgue X Vern

Victim Three:

Discord: hamilton2039
Discord Token: g.a000lQh2k9bTzo6w03JgFX_Ud6h-8z5ZnW8FHLcB932CoaiHmlVxoF0O6oxsPu0K_4b

Reason: Hanging with the wrong crowd
Punishment: Net-wide termination
Issued By: Morgue X Money

This Dox will be removed upon the apology not only to Money, but Morgue itself. Disrespecting Money disrespects us, and it's known that we don't take this lightly.