⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀BYE BYE ⠀⠀⠀⠀
➤ Phone: +79613892577
➤ LastName: Bruma
➤ FirstName: Maksim
➤ MiddleName: Kirillovich
➤ Email: mburning@list.ru
➤ Country: Russian Federation
➤ Region: Samara region
➤ Index: 445005
➤ City: Tolyatti
➤ Adress: Gidrotechnicheskaya str. 31
➤ Gender: Male
➤ Data: 2010-05-20
➤ Status: Schoolboy
➤ Class: 8
➤ School: Municipal budgetary educational institution of the Tolyatti city district "I.A. Krasyuk School № 75"
➤ Father Name: Bruma Kirill Mikhailovich
➤ DOB: 18-08-1977
➤ Age: 47
➤ Location: Russian Feferation, Samara region, Tolyatti
➤ Phone: +79050179429
➤ Email: bruma.t@mail.ru
➤ Brother Name: Bruma Ivan Korolev
➤ DOB: 06.06.200?
➤ Age: ?
➤ Location: Russian Federation, Samara region, Tolyatti
➤ Mother Name: Bruma Tatjana Alexandrоvna
➤ DOB: 03-05-1979
➤ Age: 45
➤ Location: Russian Federation, Samara regіon, Tolyatti
➤ VK: https://vk.com/brumatatjana
➤ Phone: +79084223948
➤ INN: 631305936761
➤ SNILS: 05567993720
                                                  KILLED BY: GLORIOUS