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			                                              / | /     \ | \
				                                     / | /       \ | \
 			                                       | - Credits                 |
				                               | - Reason                  |
				                               | - Target                  |
                                                               | - Home / School info      |
				                               | - Parents Info            |
				                               | - Misc / Socials          |

                                                     Credits: DESTROYER, KUZI, WUZI / https://discord.gg/gorgeous

                                                          Reason: Spreaded lies, used ppl for money etc.
                  ▬▬ ╞───────────────────╥───────────────────────────────────╪╦╪───────────────────────────╥───────────────────────────╡ ▬▬

				     Millie Smith
				Name: (Millie smith)

				Gender: (FEMALE)

				Age: (16)

				Current Address: (46 Winchester Dr,birmingham B37 5SQP)

				Phone Number: +44 7449 219589


				      House Info
				Address: (46 winchester Dr, birmingham B37 5QP)
				Estimated price: (£159,000) usd: ($212,879.54)
				Rent: (£404/mo) usd: ($540.90)
				Sq ft.: (1,220 sqft)

				Image of house: https://i.gyazo.com/fc48e5d6656880d106dd3be3c0fa228c.jpg

				▬▬ ╞────────────╥──────╪╦╪──────╥────────────╡ ▬▬
				‣‣                   Sibling(s):
				▬▬ ╞────────────╥──────╪╦╪──────╥────────────╡ ▬▬
				‣‣               (Abbie smith)
                                (Parent status: Divorced | different fathers.)
                                              (Next to Millie's house.)
                                                   (Age: 15).
				▬▬ ╞────────────╥──────╪╦╪──────╥────────────╡ ▬▬  


https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/839500198861865021/849064945165664316/image0.png?width=173&height=320 (HER SNAP INCLDUED**)


Roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/159689969/profile

Abbie's roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/68228344/profile

Small Dox.