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Legal Name: Mikenzzie Marie Sartwell (Often goes by the names Riley or Mikey)
DOB: 28 March 1993
Address: 519 NW 43 TERRACE KANSAS CITY 64116 (Group Home - Proceed with Caution)

Little is known about her IRL family as she is in a group home. However, her mother was arrested for murdering Mikenzzies grandfather over a large cash sum (no bullshit, this is real).
Her Grandfather: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/7550275/david-d-zeller
Her Mother: https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/mo-court-of-appeals/1110123.html

Physical Description: 
<5ft Tall
Blue Eyes
Variable hair lengths from Buzzcuts to Shoulder Length.

"How can this person be identified if I see them?"
To answer this question is fairly simple, Mikenzzie wears masks out in public which vary from Spiderman, Deadpool, or Simon Riley (Ghost from MW2). She is of an incredibly short build and is stocky if she is
outside it is with a caretaker and not by herself.

"How is she allowed online?"
Funnily enough, her caretakers often put her on rights restrictions when she has a mental breakdown. However, what she doesn't tell them is the reason why she has these mental breakdowns. The reason why she has these
erratic mood shifts is how often she gets caught attempting to groom children.

Images of the individual wearing a mask:

Images of the individual without a mask:

Her Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mikeyrileysartwell
Her YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Kindhero31

Reason For This Dox Existing : 
* Committing Pedophilic actions towards minors for upwards of 10 years.
* Self-confessed pedophile (recently in denial).
* Using minors to harass people.
* Giving out the address of her group home and endangering other residents.

Necessary YouTube Videos to watch for backstory:
The ‪@Kindhero31‬ Diaries - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-3fP3uy0Ls
The ‪@Kindhero31‬ Takedown - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/PTeK9zNXxN0

Her confession, on video and in her own words -