;::::; ;::::; :; ;:::::' :; ;:::::; ;. ,:::::' ; OOO\ DOXED BY: ::::::; ; OOOOO\ headtap#0001 ;:::::; ; OOOOOOOO ,;::::::; ;' / OOOOOOO ;:::::::::`. ,,,;. / / DOOOOOO .';:::::::::::::::::;, / / DOOOO ,::::::;::::::;;;;::::;, / / DOOO ;`::::::`'::::::;;;::::: ,#/ / DOOO :`:::::::`;::::::;;::: ;::# / DOOO ::`:::::::`;:::::::: ;::::# / DOO `:`:::::::`;:::::: ;::::::#/ DOO :::`:::::::`;; ;:::::::::## OO ::::`:::::::`;::::::::;:::# OO `:::::`::::::::::::;'`:;::# O `:::::`::::::::;' / / `:# ::::::`:::::;' / / `# ⠀⠀Reason of Dox⠀⠀⠀ He claims hes a doxer on xbox but really is just a no life and claims hes untouched. GO GET BACK! (btw this not really a dox i dont have alot on him but this all i have) +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Personal Information | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ Country :US State :Pennsylvania City :Philadelphia postal code :19147 metro code :504 Coordinates :39.934 (lat) / -75.16 (long) +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Social media accounts | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ Xbox user :Grim reaper2858 +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Wifi Information | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ IP address Hostname c-68-81-113-13.hsd1.pa.comcast.net Provider COMCAST-7922 ASN 7922