8 8                                                                                               
 ad88888ba   88b           d88    ,ad8888ba,        88888888ba          db         88b           d88  
d8" 8 8 "8b  888b         d888   d8"'    `"8b       88      "8b        d88b        888b         d888  
Y8, 8 8      88`8b       d8'88  d8'        `8b      88      ,8P       d8'`8b       88`8b       d8'88  
`Y8a8a8a,    88 `8b     d8' 88  88          88      88aaaaaa8P'      d8'  `8b      88 `8b     d8' 88  
  `"8"8"8b,  88  `8b   d8'  88  88          88      88""""""8b,     d8YaaaaY8b     88  `8b   d8'  88  
    8 8 `8b  88   `8b d8'   88  Y8,        ,8P      88      `8b    d8""""""""8b    88   `8b d8'   88  
Y8a 8 8 a8P  88    `888'    88   Y8a.    .a8P       88      a8P   d8'        `8b   88    `888'    88  
 "Y88888P"   88     `8'     88    `"Y8888Y"'        88888888P"   d8'          `8b  88     `8'     88  
    8 8                                                                                               
 Reason - Doxxed a 10 year old for not liking anime, e-whore, uses ppl for self gain, lies about depression for attention                                                                                                  
Name: Isabella Sweet
Her face: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdyG1e5t/
Dad's Name: Lennon Sweet
Mom's name: Natasha Sweet
Age: 16 
Dad's age: 49
Mom's age: 41
Adress: 11715 Balvano Dr 
Old adresses: 365 Sweet Town Rd, Many, LA 71449 (Feb 2016 - Mar 2020)
20223 Westfield
Katy, TX 77449
(Mar 2009)
19739 Lindenfield Ct
Katy, TX 77449
(Jul 2008)
11507 Meadow Pines Ct #B
Stafford, TX 77477
(Feb 2004 - Nov 2007)
12720 Brant Rock Dr #2613
Houston, TX 77082
(Dec 2006)
12710 Brant Rock Dr #2214
Houston, TX 77082
(Dec 2006)
20223 Westfield Parkway Dr
Katy, TX 77449
(Oct 2006)
20223 Westfield Parkway Dr
Harris, TX
Phone numbers: 1-832-278-5367
Mom's phone number: (832) 228-4864
Dad's phone number: (832) 228-5136
ZIP Code: 77469 
Town: Richmond, Texas
Service Provider: A-T and T 
Emails: nothing found ~
Dad's email: lennon1002002@yahoo.com
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: None 
Dad's occupation: Craftsmen/blue Collar
Mom's occupation: Professional/technical
Education: James Bowie Middle School (all that could be found, not current) 
Race: Columbian/White
Net worth: nothing found ~
Income: nothing found ~  
Longitude/latidude: 29.692180 (lat) | -95.795090 (long) 
IP: nothing found ~ 
Relatives: Cynthia Smith | Age 59 (Oct 1961)
Jasmine Lasha Sweet
Age 25 (Jan 1996)
Jasmine Sweet
Age 24 (Sep 1996)
Rose Sweet
Age 77 (Aug 1943)
Ruby Sweet
Age 56 (May 1964)
Sevesta Sweet
Age 34 (May 1986)
Tammy Sweet
Age 55 (Dec 1965)
Adrienne Smith
Age 39 (Oct 1981)
Carnilius Smith
Age 38 (Oct 1982)
Carnilus Smith
Age 38 (Oct 1982)
Cathy Smith
Age 56 (Jul 1964)
Charles Smith
Age 63 (Jan 1958)
Charles Smith
Age 39 (May 1981)
Charles Smith
Age 63 (Jan 1958)
Charles Sweet
Age 62 (Sep 1958)
Christian Sweet
Age 26 (Jun 1994)
Cynthia Sennett
Age 63 (Jan 1958)
Demechetra Garner
Age 35 (Mar 1985)
Denise Watson
Nicknames/Aliases: Michii, Narita, Blossom, Koro, Izzy
Credit Card info: nothing found ~ 
SSN: nothing found ~
Twitter: HimariUchiha2 | 875388092646098468 (twitter user ID)   
Discord: Koro#0999 | XMR:18 AM (acc creation date) (edit from 6/25/21, she no longer has discord)
Instagram: blossom.amv  
PSN: uxchihaUzumaki
Xbox: nothing found ~
YouTube: nothing found ~ 
Snapchat: nothing found ~ 
TikTok: hangepimp 
Spotify: nothing found ~ 
Twitch: nothing found ~ 
Reddit: nothing found ~
Steam: nothing found ~ 
Friends: idrk her friends but heres her discord server | https://discord.gg/udbGXfJgxM
Credit Scores/etc: nothing found ~
88888888ba,      ,ad8888ba,    8b        d8      88888888ba   8b        d8      88888888ba          db         88b           d88  
88      `"8b    d8"'    `"8b    Y8,    ,8P       88      "8b   Y8,    ,8P       88      "8b        d88b        888b         d888  
88        `8b  d8'        `8b    `8b  d8'        88      ,8P    Y8,  ,8P        88      ,8P       d8'`8b       88`8b       d8'88  
88         88  88          88      Y88P          88aaaaaa8P'     "8aa8"         88aaaaaa8P'      d8'  `8b      88 `8b     d8' 88  
88         88  88          88      d88b          88""""""8b,      `88'          88""""""8b,     d8YaaaaY8b     88  `8b   d8'  88  
88         8P  Y8,        ,8P    ,8P  Y8,        88      `8b       88           88      `8b    d8""""""""8b    88   `8b d8'   88  
88      .a8P    Y8a.    .a8P    d8'    `8b       88      a8P       88           88      a8P   d8'        `8b   88    `888'    88  
88888888Y"'      `"Y8888Y"'    8P        Y8      88888888P"        88           88888888P"   d8'          `8b  88     `8'     88  
88888888ba   88  88888888ba       88888888ba     ,ad8888ba,    888888888888    ,ad8888ba,    
88      "8b  88  88      "8b      88      "8b   d8"'    `"8b            ,88   d8"'    `"8b   
88      ,8P  88  88      ,8P      88      ,8P  d8'        `8b         ,88"   d8'        `8b  
88aaaaaa8P'  88  88aaaaaa8P'      88aaaaaa8P'  88          88       ,88"     88          88  
88""""88'    88  88""""""'        88""""""8b,  88          88     ,88"       88          88  
88    `8b    88  88               88      `8b  Y8,        ,8P   ,88"         Y8,        ,8P  
88     `8b   88  88               88      a8P   Y8a.    .a8P   88"            Y8a.    .a8P   
88      `8b  88  88               88888888P"     `"Y8888Y"'    888888888888    `"Y8888Y"'    

Title - Michii Dox. - Bam.
