Name: Michelle Xiao
Reason for dox: Trying to cancel a friend for not being PC and trying to get her friends to turn on her.
                Michelle is also a chink who fetishizes and loves black men for no reason at all.
ethnicity: chinese (some type of asian)
gender: female
age: 15
Instagram: michelle.xiao_
Snapchat: qeen_lovely123
tiktok: michywrld
School: Jupiter community highschool
Graduates: 2023
year: Sophmore
(current) 9511 Minorca Way Apt 204
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
(past) 2326 Oak Dr
Hutchinson Island, FL 34949
family members: 
Name: Rong Xiao
Age: 41 
Address: 9511 Minorca Way Apt 204
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418